Mum, Dad and Auggie

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Y/N PULLMAN POV:Auggie always had the family's attention

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Auggie always had the family's attention...Via and i well..we got none. And ever since Auggie joined middle school, he's gained more and more attention by Mum and Dad. They never asked me how my day was; they barely looked at me...

I walked to school with Auggie, mum and dad, they held his hand while i walked behind them. I sighed sadly as they gave Auggie a hug goodbye then..they just left. "Come on Y/n!" I heard Auggie yell, i look up at him. I never hated Auggie, he's my twin brother but i don't have what he has.

He's getting all the attention though its not his fault, he's the best brother in the world. "Im just gonna go" I mumbled before walking off...leaving Auggie with a confused yet sad look. I felt a sting of sadness in my heart but I ignored it and carried on walking.

On my way to class, i bumped into someone. I looked up to see; Jack Will. Man- i love that boy. I blushed and mumbled a small sorry before trying to walk off but the curly haired boy gently grabbed my wrist, carefully pulling me back.
"Are you okay Y/n?" He asked in his adorable accent..ugh, why does he have to be so perfect?!

"Y-yeah" I stuttered while my voice cracked. Jack definitely didn't believe it. "Tell me whats wrong Y/ you want me to get Auggie?" My eyes widened "NO!" I yelled making everyone look at us, Jack gently squeezed my hand "ok! ok! Did something happen between you guys or something?" He asked, i sighed and lowered my head.

"Yeah but..he doesn't know what hes done..." i said sadly, Jack wrapped an arm around my shoulder "wanna speak about it after school? you can come to mine..if you want" he said with a small yet sympathetic smile. I nodded and smiled softly "yeah...not that my parents would care" I mumbled the last part and thankfully he didn't hear me.

The whole day was just me and Jack, Auggie didn't mind since he wanted to hang out with Summer..i think he likes her? When it was time to go home, i went up to Auggie and said "im going to Jack's, tell mum for me okay?" He nodded with a smile and gave me a quick hug before walking off.

Jack's mum took us home and we both went straight to his room. I sat on his bed while he sat at his desk chair. "Now tell me, what actually happened with Auggie?" He asked, licking his bottom lip (he literally did this 24/7 in the film) "well..its not Auggie but; its my mum and dad" i start to explain. "Via and i- we never get the attention we want! Not in a spoilt way but..we never get asked how our day was and Auggie does. They always know if Auggie has a good or bad day but Via and i are just left in the dark. I hate it! I love Auggie but...i hate this!" I finished.

I didn't even notice that Jack had sat next to me, carefully pulling me into a gentle hug. He began rocking me back and forth, rubbing my back. "Y/n, its not spoilt to want your parents attention..maybe you should tell them how you feel?" He suggested, leaning his chin on my head.

"I-i cant, i do-dont wanna hurt Au-Auggie!" I sobbed into his blue jacket. I was very emotional..never really knew why. "Look at me" i heard Jack whisper, I listened and my eyes met his. "Even if you do upset Auggie...they still need to know how you and Via are feeling right? Y/n- they need to treat you all equally.." Jack said and i nodded while taking deep breaths.

"It's getting late..since it's Friday, do you wanna stay over and we can take you home tomorrow?" Jack offered. Man i love this boy. I nodded and he gave me spare joggers and a t-shirt before we got ready for bed. "I'll sleep on the floor if you want me too?" Jack looked at me like i was crazy. "No way! I'll sleep on the floor" he argued.

"Are you-" "Yes, I'm sure" he quickly cut in while chuckling a little. We both got into bed and Jack switched the lights was all silent until;
"Y/n, I like you" My eyes widened, i spun around to look down at him. He looked up at me with a smile and i had too smile back..he was adorable.

"I like you too Jack Will" This sentence only made Jack smile brighter; he got up from his bed and got onto mine and cuddled into me. I blushed madly and ran my hand through his curly hair. "This is much better" i commented with a giggle. I heard Jack laugh too before he nuzzled into my neck.

"Goodnight Y/n" he whispered and i rubbed his back "Goodnight to you too Jack" i murmured back, pressing a light kiss to his forehead before we both fell into a deep sleep...

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