The beginng

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After staying up all night I've finally completed my book, but after all of that i was tremendously exhausted..... i tried my best to stay awake a little longer, yet in the end i couldn't fight it and i quickly fell asleep.

[School]~ I was almost late, but i was able to make it right before the bell.

[class]~ I walked into class and immediately a paper ball hits my head. "Kenneth- Laughs uncontrollably"
"Me- Says: Ha Ha very funny Kenneth" i walk up to the chair that's next to his and I sit. Kenneth looks at me and i look back, before I could say something he says " Kenneth- My dude are you finished with that book you said you were making?" I blush and say "yeah i did" *smiles* "Kenneth- My nigga why are you blushing? He looks confused but i say nothing and hand him the book with a mischievous look on my face *Kenneth opens the book and starts to read* minutes pass and class hasn't fully began yet, Kenneth looks at me with a face of disappointment "Kenneth- see i outta block you in REAL life for this one bro, i thought this was finna be a serious lil book but nah" *I start laughing loudly* "Kenneth- is this the type of shit we doing now bro" *Kenneth starts laughing* the teacher looks at us and says "shut the f-..... ahem, can y'all two please be quiet, giggling like little girls.

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