09 | alike in dignity

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Love, was always a weird concept in her mind. As she was raised without parents for a vast majority of her childhood; with a cold older brother, nobody had educated her on the feeling. The only time she was ever able to learn were in her books, which were always an unrealistic excuse for the feeling.

The siblings were alike in that sense; not knowing the true meaning or feeling of love.
Clouding their vision, causing them to drive people away to love them both, maybe that's why Dream only let's George and Sapnap roam around.
Maybe that's why he hides his face from all; fear of letting anyone into not only his life, but his sister's.

The word possibly explaining the odd feeling she felt around Tubbo and Tommy; warm and secure.
Of course she couldn't understand that though.

Which is why, when she woke up, she chose to deny the feeling inside her; it was too scary to comprehend in her young mind.

Her hazy eyes faze to the bedside clock, reading  2:45 PM; disappointed in herself for the miserable sleep schedule she acquired. It may have been worth it for all the late nights she spends with the feeling of adrenaline, though it started to catch up with her more and more each day.

She had stayed out later last night, which made her fatigue more unbearable. She had only just woken up, though now, she was already drifting her way back into sleep. It didn't take long at all for her to fall into unconsciousness, allowing herself to block out all the distractions of the world.

As the boy on the other side of history was reflecting her, sleeping away as much as he could, more to ignore all tribulation in his life. Dreaming into a state of blissful peace where he was with the girl, tucked away in the field, alone, where it didn't have to be a distraction from actuality. He assured himself, soon enough that could be a true reality, though he didn't know when time or fate would allow it.

The warm feeling she brought him made him think this way, he too couldn't understand it; he was as young and uneducated on love as she was. His mother had passed away long before he had a memory, his father was often gone, on deep missions to make money for their family, his eldest brother was even bleaker in his emotions than the one he lived with now; he too wasn't given the opportunity to learn how love could make you feel, or how someone like could bring it out.

Wilbur even went as far to make sure Tommy didn't fall into the drug that was love, as when he was younger he made stupid decisions, wanting the desire a specific woman, Sally, brought to him; since she had left him alone, Wilbur tried his hardest to shield Tommy from all heartbreak.

Now, even though Tommy and y/n were only friends, the older brother knew it was only due time until they were to fall for the other— he knew she would break Tommy's fragile heart; which would be true in some ways, not in a strongly predictable stance though.

The older brother's that were separated by anger were very similar in that field; was that why they bashed heads so often?
If you compare the groups, many similarities crossed in more than one spectrum.

An older brother who truly wanted to protect their younger sibling, with nurturing they never received in their own childhood.
The approaches of such task may have been vastly different, though both bad tactics.

In all truth, the grudges Wilbur and Dream held to each other's necks, were reflecting on the ones they held to their own.
A typical good guy, bad guy situation, though both were the equal in everything they hated about the other.

Wilbur denied it the most, rejecting the thought he could ever be as evil as the masked man; as for Dream, he was too arrogant to ever admit Wilbur was even on his level. Therefore, they both would never understand any similarities until everything was too late, until everything they feared was gone quicker than they were gifted such. Damaging everything in their paths, including the two each put everything on the line for.

Too blind in themselves to see through the fog at the two teenagers they were hurting along the way all this time; as they wondered why they slept all day, why they were always tired, always apathetic until the moon shed through the sky.

When in all reality, it was two stubborn men who would ruin their symphony in the end; tearing themselves down with it when it was all too late to salvage.
Which on one of these fine days would be the finale of the story of y/n and her modern day Romeo, ruined by the men who couldn't communicate.

In the fullness of time that is.

a/n: praying that people understood the end of the last chapter and beginning of this chapter, and how they are tied because i was too proud of that :0
anyways my dream pride merch came in so that's pretty great. thank you all for the support lately also pretty great.
bye bye !

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