15 | the sun misses the flowers

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It had been weeks since Tommy had seen the girl— even longer for Tubbo.
The both missed her a lot, only they didn't talk about her much anymore. The brunet would bring her up, only Tommy continued to dismiss conversation about her.
He had been so conflicted about how he felt towards her, it wasn't so much easier to disallow himself to think about her then enable himself to figure it out; at least that's what he thought.

This made Tubbo mildly upset, it was seemingly so long since he got to speak with her. He wanted to speak about her because that was the second best thing to speak with her again. Only because she was so sweet to him, far nicer than anyone in L'manberg ever was.
Though he didn't let it bother him too much, he knew his friend was just in one of his phases he would get over soon enough. It was very like Tommy to behave like this, so he knew it would go away eventually. Soon enough things would fix themselves, he was sure of it.

The pair had been up to a lot, they had made a treehouse together. Not entirely by themselves though, they had a lot of help from a friend of of their's, a very sweet one— Sam Nook.

A sturdy building, placed high up in the trees in the woods surrounding L'manberg.
The last few nights the two had been sleeping up there, it had practically become their home now— when it had hit Tubbo.

Wilbur never showed up to the treehouse, he allowed them to stay up there and never bothered them. It would be a perfect place that the three could hang out comfortably, without any worries. He figured that Tommy would be able to get over whatever had been bothering him about her if he had seen her — So Tubbo had a plan.

Now, the brunet wasn't the most stealthy person; clumsy would be the best adjective. Though he was fairly smart, which only semi balanced it out. It will have been enough to get the job done though. So tonight he would execute the plan he vaguely created.
"Tommy, I'll be back in a few, I'm gonna grab some blankets from my house." He shouts a sharp smile as he heads for the ladder.

"Oh, alright. You gonna need help? I can come with." The blond tilts his head, beginning to stand up from his cot.

Tubbo's eyes widen, "Uh, no I'll be alright. Thank though! See you in a few!" He laughs softly, placing his foot on the first peg of the ladder, looking downward.

Tommy was confused, though many things about the brunet confused him. "Uh, okay big guy?" He laughs, turning back to the carving on the wall he had been lazily working on; three stick figures standing together— hmm.

As Tubbo reaches the ground he exhales heavily. Quickly running for a different forrest, the one that surrounded the girls house. He wasn't weary of how he loud he was being, it was likely Tommy could've heard him from the treehouse if had been paying attention.

The only thing that would truly be a problem though, was that he wasn't sure which window was his friend's. When the other boy mentioned about the night he had climbed up the window, he didn't specify which one it had been— only that it was on the left side of the huge building. It had been awhile since he'd even seen Dream's mansion, and every time he did it was seemingly bigger to him. The boy never had a lot of money his entire life, so he hadn't seen building of this caliber before and it amazed him.

Using his hands, the boy had determined which side was which. Placed on the ground had been a series of assorted pebbles. All varying of size and shapes and color. There were plenty, so the boy was ready to aim at every window in the second floor. A risky bet, only he couldn't think of a better idea at the time. The first five he had thrown weren't very lucky; he only made two hit the windows, the other three were duds— barely making it past the first floor windows.

He hadn't even made it seven windows in before one began to open slowly. His eyes shoot open, shoving himself in a nearby bush.
"What the hell?" It was a females voice. As far as Tubbo was concerned, his friend was the only lady Dream lived with— or even knew for that matter. So he revealed himself from behind the bush, leaves sticking to his clothes.
"Tubbo? Is that you?" She whisper yells, enough for him to hear, as she leans as far out her window as she could without falling. Half of her body dangling over the eighteen foot drop.

"The one and only! Now get down here, Please! I have a surprise!" He cheers, trying to keep his voice down as best he can. To which the girl took no time to smile, before closing the window. Her face was gone for a minute or two until she appeared from the front door. "Follow me." He gestures his hand out, flatly, before she takes grip.

The treehouse in view, only feet from the base, "You're gonna have to be quiet on your way up, Tommy doesn't know you're here, it's a surprise." A smile appears on his face as he guides her to the ladder, going up just before her.

As Tubbo climbs back in the treehouse, the blond turns, "What took you so long?" He stops before realizing the boy hadn't returned with what he had left to get. "I thought you were getting blankets?"

"Did one better, if I'm honest." The brunet smiles, as Tommy has a confused look stained on his face— until the girl he hadn't seen for weeks popped up into view with her bright smile rentering his life.

His eyes lit up at the sight of her e/c ones. Only he was confused why he had been this elated to see someone who was just a 'friend'— he hadn't even truly cared this much when Tubbo returned from his expedition; someone in which he had known his whole life practically.
When the feeling he had, that replicated the one he had when he passed her on the path weeks ago, returned. He hated it, so unforgiving and unfamiliar. Losing his thoughts in the haziness as he's staring at her beautiful face unknowingly.

While the girls heart began to soar, sharing a similar emotion. She wanted to push it all behind like she normally did, though this feeling was more pungent than any she had felt before— she kinda liked it though.
Suddenly his eyes seemed more blue, was it because she had been starved with his company for so long? Or was she really starting to realize that all the words they shared had always meant something different? The well known phrase had shown, 'distance makes the heart grow fonder.'
Maybe it would all be easier if she had left it all alone, untouched in her silver heart where it belonged.

Both parties bitter in the sweetest way possible. They both wanted the warmness, to embrace it; pushing it away only cause it was cold to the touch. Soon it wouldn't be as sour, soon.

Until then, it would be awkward for the brunet boy who sits between the two as they stare with wide eyes. "Achem." He clears his throat.

"Oh. Yeah I guess you did do one better." Tommy laughs, rubbing his neck. He swallows hard; pushing away all the lingering feelings in his stomach.

The girl smiles, doing the same. "I missed you both, dearly."

Now the three would laugh; on the surface it wouldn't be awkward anymore. They could be in peace together once again.
To forget about it all— the trio's strong suit.

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