12 | night's reveal

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"T-Tommy? Is that you?"

A voice that both could recognize.
Looking at each other with fear, greatly wishing it could've been Tubbo and they could all laugh about it. It was not— of course.
A voice where one of the two would not be safe.

The was voice was corse, possibly from repeating yells. A deep one, belonging to a man.

The teenagers had to think quickly, as the torch the man held was getting brighter as he traveled down the path. Tommy slowly slips the door open, trying to spare all noise. The girl slides in by the smallest crack her body can barely fit into. Brushing her back against the closest wall, as the artificial light peers across her face through the smallest window on the door. Placing her hand over her mouth in fear.

Tommy was now face to face with someone, who this time sadly wasn't y/n.
He was taller than Tommy himself, with curly brown hair— that belongs to, none other, than Wilbur Soot.

Why he had been outside this late wasn't apparent to the teenage boy. He didn't care regardless, more terrified of getting caught.
The blond boy had never been one with words, especially not when he is under pressure.

Scared less of what Wilbur would do to punish him, more of how he would deal with the girl behind the door. He knew that she would have it way harder if he were to discover what was going on this night. Tommy bit down on the inside of his chin, praying that the light wouldn't shine into the windows.
Wilbur probably wouldn't psychically hurt the girl, though he has always been a loose canon. Tommy knew that if he wanted to do something he would; which could mean anything at this point.

He thought twice about replying to Wilbur, drawing attention to the area the girl was. Though Tommy knew that Wilbur would find he was there soon enough, there was no point in ignoring him. Trusting that she would be able to stay hidden, that the lighting would be on their side, he yelled back to his brother.
"Yeah! I'm over here Will!"

His brother is now close enough that his hand held lantern's light reflects off Tommy's pale face. Wilbur towers over his little brother with a confused face. The younger of the two swallows hard, looking into his brothers eyes, breaking an awkward smile on his lips.
"What are you doing out here, at this time of night especially? What were you thinking?" Wilbur's tone shifted to angry, more so because the man was tired; wishing he hadn't even bothered to look for Tommy when he had realized the boy had even gone missing.

"Well, I couldn't sleep, thought I could take a little walk." The blond shrugs, brushing his hand against the back of his neck; something he tended to do when he was lying. His dirty shoes kicking up pebbles that were embedded in the soil, driving his feet into the ground as far as they could manage—wishing it could've been his head in the dirt.

"Are you sure?" Tommy's brother asks, with a powerful stance over him. His firm shoulders showing a lot about his attitude at the moment.

"Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't I be." The teenager almost stutters, before attempting to steady his breath to make it all more believable. Tommy never used to lie, he always told everyone the truth all the time; too often that is. This whole lying thing was new for him. He couldn't lie like the girl could, he couldn't think of a time where he ever really had, making the situation more difficult to pull off.

"You're acting odd, what's wrong with you?" Wilbur asks, the tone of his voice was cold. He may have been genuine with his intention of the question, though he was never able to portray this care he had for his brother.

"Nothings wrong, Will. You're just tired, you've been busy lately. Lets go back home, it's kind of cold out here anyways!" Tommy shouts into the dark, walking towards the direction of L'manberg, with his hand on Wilbur's back. A sour taste of metallic blood began to overtake his mouth; he had bitten down on his cheek too hard. Anxiously attempting to push his brother, who had planted his heels into the dirt.

The older brother takes a second before following along with his younger sibling.
Wilbur believed Tommy, that he was just tired; knowing his little brother would be okay, because he always is.

At least that's what he wanted to believe at three in the morning on a day that he would have to leave for a meeting at seven.

The shoes of brothers click as they walk down the wooden path. The noise getting quieter as they travel away. The girl hidden on the dark insides of Tommy's old house finally lets her breath escape her lungs. Her lopsided breaths caring out until they can find their way back into a precise routine.

She was terrified, covering her mouth in the dark the entire conversation. She didn't allow her hand to remove from her face until all traces of the guys were gone.
She had to leave as soon as she could now they were fully gone. Closing the heavy door lightly behind her back as she runs away from the hobbit hole. As fast as her legs could carry her.

Tears could've easily fell from her eyes, if she wasn't so scared. Not only did her entire friendship for these two boys, the only ones she had, flash before her eyes, she was scared of Wilbur. He is a tall, powerful man, who was constantly laced with weapons. The way he constantly presented himself, the way he stood so proudly was enough to scare her.

Obviously biased about him, as the opinion she managed to create was mostly based on what she overheard Dream say. The encounter she truly saw him in was the night her and Tommy got caught, his presence in that situation lingered in her mind constantly.

She slowly reaches the door of her own home. Her body shudders as her hands make contact with the cold metal door handle. Trying not to stumble around once she reaches the interior.
Slowly tip toeing up the wooden stairs, to her bedroom.

Laying in the darkness of her bedroom, too worried to even turn her light on. Overthinking the situation over multiple times. Something she did far too often; she couldn't help herself.
Surly she wouldn't be able to leave tomorrow night, it would be too risky; Wilbur could be on the watch. Though, what if he goes, and she doesn't show up?

Each half of her brain fighting the other, before it intimately excepts it all; drifting off into sleep.

Once again sparing herself from thinking about her life, how complicated it truly seemed it her young mind.
When all of this wasn't the half of what was to come.

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