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August 16th 2004


Alessia Cortello stood outside the gates of the Moretti family mansion requesting to speak with Antonio Moratti. It was raining heavily outside so Antonio wasted no time in allowing his guest inside.

As he opened the front door, he was met with a shivering Mrs Cortello. He didn't understand why she had shown up as they agreed to a one night stand with no strings attached. That was until...

"I'm pregnant." Alessia stated. She was still shivering from the rain, however now it was more nerves than the cold. CRASH.

Antonio whipped his head around towards the sound of the crash, only to be met with the teary eyes of his wife. Elena couldn't believe her ears. He got another woman pregnant. He cheated on her. He had an affair with another woman. These thoughts circled through her head as she stared into the eyes of her once faithful husband.

Elena was snapped out of her thoughts by Alessia, "I came to inform you that I will be keeping the baby. I'm 5 weeks and 3 days along. You are welcome to be in my child's life. If not then I ask that you sign away your rights."

The three adults stared at each other, none of them having any idea what to say. He cheated and got another woman pregnant who has decided to keep the baby. He has to choose.

Once again their thoughts were disrupted by a small cough from the corner of the entrance. A young 10 year old Darien Moratti stepped out of the shadows and stared wide eyed at the trio.

"Yo-you're preg-pregnant?", the young boy asked, still shocked by the news. Darien was happy, he could maybe get a baby sister! However his feelings were conflicted as his father, the man he looked up to the most in this world, had cheated on his mother.

"Yes. Yes I am." Alessia said to the boy.

"Look son," , Antonio started,"I know you're probably upset right now bu-".

Antonio was cut off by Darien, "Dad, I get it. I've seen the strain on yours and moms relationship and I understand you're not happy with mom.", He turned around to face his mother, "Mom, I've seen how unhappy you are with dad. If you're unhappy with each other that's fine, I won't be mad or upset if you split up.".

Antonio stared down at his son with teary eyes,"Thank you son. I love you.", Antonio said to the little boy.

"I love you too dad.", Darien responded with a small smile on his face.

"Now off to bed you little monkey!", Antonio chuckled, and with that, Darien turned around and headed upstairs.

Elena turned back to her husband, "I'll talk to the lawyers about getting divorce papers ready by tomorrow.", she stated solemnly as she turned on her heel  and headed towards her bedroom.

As Alessia headed back to the front door, Antonio grabbed her hand pulling her back slightly, "Just know I will love this child like I do my others. I promise to put a ring on your finger one day and I will treat your boys as if they are my own.". He released his grip on her hand as she said thank you and goodbye, and with that, she disappeared down the drive way.

Antonio kept to that promise and mere 2 months later they were happily wed. But their happiness was shorted lived.


June 21st 2007

The Cortello-Moratti family was all under one roof. The 12 boys had split custody with their parents but spent most of their time with Antonio and Alessia and their 2 year old sister, Isabella Bianca Cortello-Moratti. Bella was the light in every bodies lives. She was able to calm her brothers down when they were stressed with school, or her parents when they were arguing. She held the family together. Until one day she couldn't.

June 21st 2007, Alessia and Antonio's biggest fight yet. The shouting was getting louder and louder, you'd be surprised that no ones eardrums burst. The pair just kept finding stuff to fight about, and by 10:13pm the whole family was still up listening to the arguing.

A 15 year old Luca Moratti held a crying Bella in his arms as he tried rocking her to sleep, whilst Darien was trying to calm down the other younger ones. It was all a mess.

CRASH! "I want you out of my house this instant! I'll let the lawyers sort out the divorce papers by the end of the week! I want you gone by the time I wake up!". Antonio screamed at Alessia before storming up the stairs.

Once the shouting had stopped, the kids were able to get back to sleep. Each slept peacefully in their own rooms that night, in desperate need of a rest from that nights events.

They would need that calming sleep, for that morning would be far from peaceful.


The next morning, placed in the kitchen counter was a note addressed to Antonio.

Dear Antonio,

I have left as requested. My lawyers have sorted out divorce papers and all you have to do is sign your part. I am long gone by now as I am sure that you woke up late from last nights screaming match.

I am sorry for my actions but I hope that you can forgive me or at least understand my actions. I have taken Isabella with me. She is my daughter and I don't want her anywhere near the mafia. You can try looking for us but I guarantee that you won't find her, at least not anytime soon. I am doing this for her safety. You and I both know that she is in danger and I can't let her life be at risk.

Tell the boys I love them.

All my love, Alessia M

That day all of the family changed. The Moratti's were sent back to their mother and the Cortello's stayed with their father. The boys hated the others from that point on as they each blamed the others for their parents divorce and their little sorellina (baby sister) being taken.

The Cortello brothers and Moratti brothers were well known for their hatred towards the other, however no one knew it was because they blamed each other for the lose of their sorellina.

A/N - I hope you liked the prologue! This is my first book and I'm open to suggestions so let me know what you think!

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