22 ~ Dinner

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Salvatore's POV ~

I look down at my baby cousins face at the mention of her mom and my heart clenches as I see tears well up in her eyes and Enzo pulling her into a hug.

Sure I was rude and all to her, but getting close to her will show our enemies our weakness.

Bella is all of our family's weakness.

Getting close to her will only put her in danger and no way in hell am I going to risk her safety.

Everyone finishes introduced themselves and we all start heading towards the dining room for dinner.

As we enter, I can smell Emi's amazing cooking. He's always been the chef of the family. I can't cook for the life of me. Last time I cooked, I set the house on fire. Let's just say I'm not allowed to put mac and cheese in the mirco wave anymore.

Don't ask how it caught fire.

We all sat began sitting down at the table, and I took a seat in between Nicolo and Carlo as I look over at Bella who is sitting in between Enzo and Ricco.

She looks so precious and innocent.

We all start to dig into our food and having small conversations across the table.

As we all start finishing our meals, Luca and Darien stand up from their seats, clearing their throats as all heads turn to them.

"It's lovely to see all of you again. Despite our parents messy divorce and our constant arguing, all of you have stuck by us, blood or not, and we really appreciate it.", Luca starts.

"Before we say anything else, we just want to say that Bella does know about the mafia. Also don't try speaking in Italian, or any other language for that matter." Darien continues, however he is cut off by Vince.

"Yeah we don't know how many languages she know and she refuses to tell us.", Vince adds on, as everyone gives Bella a questioning look.

"Fine, fine. I know 16 different languages apart from English but I'm not telling you guys which ones.", Bella says, leaning back in her chair smirking.

"Please Bambina.", Dante begs, as he gives Bella the puppy dog eyes.

"Pretty please principessa. Pleaseee.", Val continues, pouting at Bella.

"Ugh fine.", She huffs as she leans forward. "I know Italian, French, Russian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Bulgarian, Polish, Czech, Korean, Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil, Arabic and Mandarin."

"Prove it.", My triplet Nicolo smirks leaning backwards in his chair.

"Non ho bisogno di dimostrarti neinte. Estás enojado porque he lastimado tu ego. Oder bist du sauer, dass ich besser bin als du? Você vai chorar com sua mãe sobre como eu sou melhor do que você? ", Bella says smirking as she watches Nicolo's smirk drop. (I don't need to prove anything to you. You're just mad that I've bruised your ego. Or are you mad at the fact that I'm better than you? Are you going to cry to your mommy about how I'm better than you?)

All of mouths drop to the floor, probably catching flies, as Bella switches between languages. How the fuck did she do that?!

"Is that enough proof for you?", Bella smirks at Nicolo, who just huffs and slouches in his chair.

"Oh and for the record can you five,", she says pointing at me, Nicolo, Carlo, Gianni and Marcello, as she gets up up from seat, "stop acting like dicks? I seriously don't want have to deal with another set of Enzo, Ricco and Leo's. If you're doing it so that if I get hurt you aren't as affected or because you don't want to hurt me yourself, man up because that's a shit excuse. And sorry for my language."

We all sit there shocked. Wow. Can she read minds or some shit?

Bella simply sits back down in her seat before finishing up the last of her food and taking a sip of her water.

Still in shock, we hadn't noticed that Bella had already left the table and went into the living room.

Once we snapped out of our daze, we followed her into the living room, minus our parents, where she was watching Outer Banks. We all huddled on the couches, but most of us just ended up on the floor.

These people need to get bigger couches. Do they really think that all 26 of us can fit on just 3 couches. I mean sure there are normally only 13 of them, but they should have thought about that when they were told we were staying.

As we're all staring at Bella, she pauses the TV and looks back at us.

"Are you just going to continue staring at me or are you going to say something?", She questions, raising her eyebrows.

We all avert our gazes down to our laps whilst her brothers just continue watching her.

"Why did you get upset when our mom mentioned Alessia?", Val blurted out.

I mentally face palmed.

Seriously dude.

I see Bella and the others tense up at the question and Luca sent a questioning look to Bella, to which she nodded.

"It's fine really. You're family, you deserve to know.", She responded with a sad smile.

"You can stop whenever you want or if you want we can tell them.", Angelo assured her.

What happened to our principessa?

A/N ~ Ahhh. I've finally updated. So sorry for the wait, I've had a lot on my mind this past week or so and I've had lots of things to do. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR NEARLY 50K READS!! I started writing when I was bored in isolation and I didn't think anyone would read this so thank you so much for your support! I hope you like the chapter. Stay safe <3

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