2 ~ Brothers

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Isabella's POV

"I'm sorry, I think you must be mistaken. I'm an only child sir.", I reply back confused, but still keep up my cold facade. From the corner of my eye I see the two men I had noticed when I first entered the office exchange looks with each other.

I'm pretty good at reading people so from their expressions I can tell that they are surprised by my lack of emotion. I only ever open up to Sadie and Noah. They understand me, they always have.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Mr Marks clearing his throat and tapping his foot, trying to get my attention.

"No Isabella, you have older brothers. The oldest are willing to take you in.". He gestured over to the men off to my side and followed his gaze, only to be met by a pair of grey eyes which are identical to mine.

"I'm Luca Cortello, you're eldest brother.", one of the men said. I looked over to the other man expecting an introduction from him also.

"I'm Darien Moratti, you're second eldest brother." The second man states.

I looked at them still keeping up my cold exterior, but my god on the inside I was freaking the fuck out. I mean I have brothers! Wait. Mr Marks said brothers. And this Darien dude said he's my second oldest brother... Holy shit do I have more brothers?! Welp. Let's bloody hope not, two is enough for me.

"Isabella Bianca Jones. But I'm sure you already know that.", I state to my 'brothers'.

"Well I guess we should get moving then. The plane leaves at 6:00pm later this evening so we have 3 hours to pack before we leave.", Luca states as he keeps his gaze on me.

I have to say my 'brothers' are pretty intimidating, but I've seen scarier so they're not as intimidating to me as they are to others.

"Wait. Where exactly are we going?" I ask, I mean why do we need to take a plane to get to their house.

"Los Angeles. We are going to Los Angeles where we live." Darien replied. Great. I'll be away from Noah and Sadie. HOLY SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT NOAH AND SADIE. How will I be able to say goodbye to them they are like my family.

"Come on.", Darien said as he and Luca headed to the door. I blindly followed them. I didn't want to make them mad at me if they are like my 'mother'.

"Good luck Isabella. It was a pleasure to have you at my school." I heard Mr Marks say as he sent me a warm smile, which I kindly return.

I'm not sad about leaving this school. It's a crap school with annoying bitches everywhere. I'm not going to miss it. I will miss Noah and Sadie though... speaking of those two, I need to find them and explain what's going on.

I hurry to catch up with my 'brothers' and explain that I need to find my friends. They say that's fine and that they'll wait outside for me and with that I run back into the building to find them. They should have just come out of class so I head over to their lockers.

"Hey girl! What happened is everything alright?" she question worried.

Noah gives me quick look before saying, "Somethings wrong what is it." he states. Damn he's good.

I explain the situation with my 'mother' and 'brothers' and by the end of it they are both teary eyed.

They both pull me into a tight bear hug whilst telling me how much they'll miss me. I reassure them that I'll visit and we can always face time and then I leave. Gosh that was hard. I'm going to miss them more than I could ever explain.

Once I make it outside I head to my 'brothers' who are waiting by a Lamborghini. I stare in awe as I see the car.

"Oh my god! Is that a 2021 Lamborghini Urus Pearl Capsule?" I ask still admiring the car. "You know cars?" Luca questions, shocked that I know my cars. Hah I fucking love cars!

"Yes! I love cars I mean my dream car is Lamborghini Sian because of its speed. I mean, come on! It can reach 62 mph in just 2.8 seconds AND top out at over 220 mph!" I state as if it obvious.

"Ha I guess we have another Adriano and Vince on our hands.", Luca chuckled.

The rest of the journey to the airport was pretty much silent. I kept quiet not wanting to let my walls down whilst Luca and Darien kept trying to make small talk, but once they realized I wasn't going to talk, they gave up.

Soon we arrived at the airport and made our way to a private section of the airport.

"Why are we going this way? The main airport is to the right." I ask slightly curious.

"Our jet." Darien simply states as if it's the most normal thing in the world.

"Your jet?" I ask again wondering if I actually heard correctly.

"Yes sorellina (little sister), our jet, and it's your jet now that you're back home." Luca responds with a soft chuckle.

We got on the jet and can I say it is absolutely breathtaking.

The jet :

The jet :

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Soon enough I settled down on the most comfy bed I have ever slept on in my entire

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Soon enough I settled down on the most comfy bed I have ever slept on in my entire.

I felt my eyelids begin to flicker as Luca bent down and gave me soft kiss on my head and whispered, "Sono così felice che tu sia tornata sorellina. Ti amiamo tutti così tanto. Buona notte bambina.", and with that I fell into a deep slumber.

(I'm so happy you're back little sister. We all love you so much. Good night baby.)

A/N ~ Alright chapter 2 is out! Hope you guys liked it and let me know if you have any suggestions for the book!

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