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I'm glad that people are liking the story already:)

After winning over the old captain, Gon, (Y/N), Kurapika, and Leorio arrived at Dolle Harbor, where their adventures were just beginning. While Gon was chatting with the captain, the other three stood next to each other, lookin at a huge map.

"Hmmmm...." (Y/N) grumbled with her eyes squinted as she tried to process the various dots and symbols of the language. She slumped with a sigh, giving up trying to read it. 'It's so use, I just can't read it."

"Is something wrong, (Y/N)?" Kurapika's voice caught her attention as she turned towards the two that stood next to her. She was meet with two pairs of concerned stares.

"Huh? Oh yea! It's just that uh...." She trailed off with a hesitant smile, "...Well...I-uh...I can't read the map."

A moment of silence fell upon the trio as the two process the information.

"You mean like....you can't see the map?" Leorio asked.

"No, of course not." Kurapika huffed, "She means that she can't read what's on the map, right?"

(Y/N) nodded, "I just never learned about the writing portion of the language. I only learned how to speak it before coming here."

"Wait, you're a foreigner?!" Leorio exclaimed

"Ah, yes. I thought it was obvious.."

"I would've thought you were one due to your attire but I immediately dismissed it because you sound just like a native." Kurapika said with a look of astonishment, "Really? I always thought I had some kind of accent?" (Y/N) said with a tilt of her head.

"Not really. You even had me fooled." Leorio reassured.

"But I've always thought you the one to be easily fooled, Leorio."

"Now you're pushing it, kid."

Gon came rushing over after his talk with the captain, putting an end to the conversation the three were having. He explained how the captain informed him that they need to head to the big cedar tree on the highest peak.

"Huh. That's odd." Leorio said as he looked at the map again.

"What is?" Gon asked.

Leorio held up a sheet of paper, "Well, uh, according to this notice I received, the exam is supposed to be held somewhere in Zaban city, you see?"

He turned back towards the map, pointing at a specific point, "Now we're here, and the tree is there, which is the opposite direction of Zaban."

"I guess that would make it weird, huh?" (Y/N) hummed with her hands on her hips.

"Could you have misheard the captain?" Kurapika questions.

"I don't think so. He told me I should go towards that cedar tree." Gon insisted.

"I see."

"I think we should check it out." (Y/N) spoke up, turning all the attention towards her, "He must have his reasons for giving us this specific location."

"I think so too! Let's check it out!" Gon said. (Y/N) nodded with agreement before the two began walking down the path where the tree was, ignoring the calls of Leorio telling them to come back so that they can board the bus to Zuban.

"Jeez, those kids are too trusting for their own good." He groaned, "You can't just trust everyone all the time."

His ranting was cut off when Kurapika started to calmly follow them, "I'm intrigued by the captain's advice, but even more so by Gon and (Y/N)'s behavior. I'm curious to see what they'll do. And besides, I trust (Y/N)'s judgment more than a silly notice."

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