A threat moves in

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Adora POV

I arrived at the place Catra had told us to meet, it was the woods we had gone on for our date. As I neared the area I quickly looked around to find any sign of the rebel girl, but I couldn't spot her, "psst Catra, hey are you here" I whispered looking around a bit, "Adora" came a voice from behind me, "AAAAH" I shouted as I spun to face whoever it was, however spinning caused my legs to trip over themselves and I ended up falling flat on my ass, I looked up to see Catra trying her best to hold in a laugh. And eventually failing as she began laughing, "alright alright I get it you got me" I said pouting as Catra finished her little laughing fit, "yup and it was hilarious" she said offering me a hand while still giggling a bit, "hahaha. anyways, hey Adora", "you really gotta do that each time we meet don't cha" I said smiling a bit smugly, "yup cause that little blush it brings to your cheeks will never not be worth it" she said poking my cheek with her finger slightly causing me to blush a bit, "see just like that", she smiled mischievously as my blush deepened, "anyways" I said trying to make the heat fade from my face, "what was it you had to talk to me about so urgently, and why here, there's like three dozen coffee shops open at this time" "oh...right" she said her face immediately losing the playfulness it held before. I began to become genuinely worried, "Catra what's wrong" I asked quickly as I put my hand on her shoulder, my brow furrowing out of concern, "I promise you'll learn everything soon but right now, we can't talk. It's to exposed" she said as she glanced around before leaning a little closer, "come with me". She quickly moved away and began to walk into the woods. My mind was filled with over a hundred questions and most of them were filled with concern, whys Catra acting like this, is she alright, what happened, these questions kept swimming around in my head. Thankfully though my brain still at least had the sense to make my legs work as I quietly followed Catra into the woods. We stop near an area with more spaced out trees making it feel a bit roomier, as we approach a small clear patch in the centre, two figures were standing there, as we got closer, I could get a better look at them and saw they looked nearly identical apart from their eyes and hair colour, when we stopped at the clear area and I stared at them, all could really think to say to them was. "nice shirts". The green eyed one looked down at their pink shirt which had a few cartoon baby kittens on it and "kitty lover" in white letters across the front and smiled at me, whereas the red eyed one who had on a black shirt with a cartoon robot giraffe head with the words "GG the giraffe" in yellow letters around it simply narrowed their eyes in a mixture of disgust and annoyance at me. "Is this the girl you spoke of" asked the red eyed one, their eyes fixed on me, I began to feel more nervous under their gaze, "no we're still waiting for her, this is just some random girl I found having a nice little walk in the woods that I brought along for fun" said Catra sarcastically while staring at the annoyed twin, I felt a little better knowing Catra didn't seem worried about these people, "oh really" said the green eyed one walking towards me, talking both my hands in theirs and shaking them "a pleasure to meet you, apologies for interrupting your walk, but it is nice to meet new-" "brother. I believe she was being sarcastic" said the red eyed one, their eyes narrowing at their twin instead of me for a change, "oh, right, so very sorry" said the kind one, slowly walking backwards back to their brother with a hand behind their head. "Alright" I said a little fed up "look, all I know right now is that I got a late night call from my girl- uh, my friend here, telling me to urgently come to the woods near the edge of the city and when I get here I'm lead into the woods by said friend to two identical looking people in nice shirts, so unless this is some really elaborate murder plan, I'd really like to know why I'm here" I finished eyes narrowing a little. Everyone stared at me for second as I finished before the red eyed one spoke up, "very well, I understand your frustration at not knowing what is going on, so I'll shall get straight to the point" they said walking closer to me till I had to actually tilt my head up to face them. "There is a cult in this city".

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