Truth comes out

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(Hello so very sorry I been gone so long)

Adora's POV

"How did I end up in this situation" I thought as I looked up to see Mermista leaning over the table I was sitting at, a light shining in my face, "all right Adora spill it" said Mermista looking at me seriously "who is she".

(A few minutes earlier)

Adora's POV

I walked into the dorms after my date with Catra (god, even thinking about it made me slightly giddy) and was looking forward to some quiet time only to see Glimmer, bow, Mermista, Perfuma, Frosta, Sea hawk, even Spinerella and Netossa standing there. All of them looked at me seriously except Bow who had a worried expression on his face, "Booooow" I said looking at him a bit worried, "I'm sorry Adora, I couldn't hide it from them" he said as they all surrounded me.

(Back to present)

Still Adora's POV

"Oh yea that's how I ended up in this situation" I thought looking over at Bow, annoyance very clearly all over my face as he looked away a little ashamed. My thoughts were grounded by Perfuma slamming both her hands on the table only to recoil seconds later rubbing them "ow ow ow" she said looking them over, "alright Adora, time to fess up, who's this girl you slept with, what's her name, where's she from, what's she look like" Mermista shouted right in my face, "Mermista, please" said SeaHawk pulling her back from me, "sorry Adora she's really into mystery novels and got a little excited, but really who is the lucky lady that got to bed the infamous Adora" he said taking her place right at my face, "alright look if people would happily stop getting in my face and turn that damn light off I'll tell you" I said pushing Seahawk out of my face, "ha, flawless interrogation" said Mermista proudly as I rolled my eyes.

Authors POV

Everyone had gathered in the main room, Adora on the opposite side of all of them. "Alright" said Adora taking a breath before standing up and speaking "her name is Catra Macavity, she goes to Frightzone university, she has tanned skin, long light black hair, mismatched eyes and a bit of an attitude, you may now all ask me one question each about her" said Adora finishing and looking around at everyone, waiting for a question. Eventually Frosta put up her hand, "yes Frosta" said Adora looking at her, "what colour are her eyes" Frosta asked, Adora sighed lightly, "blue and yellow" Adora said. The next to put their hand up was Perfuma, "yes Perfuma" Adora said, "what's her opinion on the environment" Perfuma asked happily, "I don't know, she likes it I think" said Adora the answer seeming to satisfy Perfuma. Netossa was next, "was she the girl me and Spinny saw you with at the cafe" she asked smugly at the memories of her and Spinerella watching the scene before them, "yes" said Adora as Spinerella and Netossa high-fived.

It went on like that for a while, with everyone asking a question about Catra with Adora either answering or saying she didn't know. Eventually only Glimmer hadn't asked anything, "anything you wanna ask Glimmer" said Adora looking at her, finding it weird she of all people hadn't asked yet, "yes here's my question, were you actually just going for a walk like Bow told me you were" asked Glimmer questingly, Adora paused for a moment before replying, "no, I was on a date with Catra" said Adora blushing slightly. And immediately Adora found people back in her face again, asking how her date went "ugh I hope Catra's doing better than me" thought Adora.

Catra's POV

I had just confessed to the others about Adora and was currently having the air squeezed out of my lungs by Scorpia, who would not stop saying how proud she was of me while giving me one of her infamous monster hugs. Entrapta had simply replied with an "oh cool" before returning to whatever she was doing, while Double Trouble was busy laughing their ass of at the scene before them. "Ugh I hope Adora is handling this better than me" I thought.

Authors POV

(Time: midnight)

somewhere at an open all hours cafe two hooded figures are it's soul customers, their hoods practically obscuring their faces as they sit in the back and most shadowed area of the cafe, one looks into their cup, clearly deep in thought, while the other is knocking back their drink like it's the best thing they've ever had. "Please don't over do yourself brother" said one of the hooded figures finally looking at the other, "oh but brother, you simply must try this beverage it is unlike anything I've ever had" they said finishing the last of their drink, "huh, I envy your naivety sometimes brother, come we mustn't over stay our welcome" said the other as they also finished their drink and got up to pay,the other following closely behind. As they left the cafe one of them keeping their red eyes steely focused while the others curious green eyes danced around observing as much as possible, The cashier looked over at their coworker "hey did you get a look at those guys" they asked, "no could barely see them thanks to those hoods" they replied "pretty weird huh" the cashier said "eh you get all sorts a weirdos at this time a night" said their coworker "ye I guess so" said the cashier looking out of the shop window.

Unable to get the hooded figures out of their head.

(Hello, so I know it's been months since my last chapter but I do have a reason for it, I was getting fed up with coming up with a full story lay out for this, only for the next season to happen and change my entire plan for the story going forward, so I just decided to wait till the final season came out, Binge it and then come up with a full story, this will likely cause previous chapters to be edited, mainly the ones that were written around the time of season 2 and 3 as I feel they don't really fit with my new story, but thankfully now that that's out of the way and I don't have to worry about another season coming out and forcing me to reevaluate the story as a whole I can start updating more frequently, I don't know how long this story will be but I do intend to finish it, so anyway thank you for being patient with me and until next time)

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