Catra gets back

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(Birthday chapter. here we go)

Catra's POV:

I just got back to my dorm and before I could even close the door I heard a familiar voice shout "CATRA" and was scooped up into the signature bear hug of my "best friend" Scorpia. "I was so worried are you okay, did you get something to eat on the way here, did you get caught in the rain" rambled Scorpia until eventually I couldn't stand it. "Scorpia listen I'm fine, yes I had something to eat and no I didn't get caught in the storm, now all I want to do is lie down and take a quick catnap, (not sorry for that) so if you don't mind" I said dully but still with a hint of frustration. "Oh right, sorry, I was just really worried and so was Entrapta" said Scorpia as I glanced over at Entrapta who hadn't even acknowledge my existence as she was too busy tinkering with what ever gizmo she had in her hand. "Uh heh, I did say was" said Scorpia chuckling slightly while putting a hand behind her neck. I decided I had enough and pushed past Scorpia and headed for my room, that was when Entrapta actually acknowledging me. "Oh Hey Catra" she said waving her arm at me, I raised my hand to great her in return. "Hey before you go can you tell me why you sent me that photo". I looked at her, raising an eyebrow in confusion and frustration, "what photo" I asked. "The one you sent me last night, check your messages" she said. I pulled out my phone and scrolled up me and Entrapta's messages, it was then my heart stopped for a second and my hair stood up. The photo was me with Adora, I was clearly drunk, my eyes were barely open and I had a crooked and lazy smile, I was doing a gang sign while holding the phone, but what really took my breath away was that Adora was half naked in the picture, all she had on was a bright blue bra and panties. "Ooh I want to see" said Scorpia walking to me to see what had got me so shocked. In a moment of panic I threw my phone across the dorm into my room and heard it hit against the wall. "Yeash Catra if you didn't want me to see it you should have just said" said Scorpia waving her arms frantically from side to side. "I-I uuuuuuuugh" I groaned walking past Scorpia and continuing to my room, "you better hope you don't owe me a new phone" I said to Entrapta while walking past her not waiting to see her reaction.

I shut the door to my room and fell on my bed, I was about to doze off but then I remembered my phone, after looking at the side of the bed I found it and raised it to my face, dammit it was cracked but at least it still worked, I really don't know my own strength sometimes. I decided to look at that photo again, it must have been after me and Adora had found the bedroom, upon closer inspection it looked like I was also half naked since I couldn't see any clothes on me aside from the red straps of my bra. I was about to finally get some shut eye when a notification came up on my messages. I saw the number was unidentified so I opened it, it read "Hey it's Adora", my heart felt like it stopped for the second time that day, I quickly responded "hey Adora" and received another message quickly after, "is that how your going to greet me every time" it read, I smiled slightly, I could tell she was joking. Suddenly a thought came to my head, along with a devious smirk, "if Adora wants to be clever might as well play along" I thought as I quickly did what I wanted to do and put the phone down before nodding off.

Adora's POV:

I had just got into my dorm and after waving slightly at Bow from his room and making up an excuse to Glimmer as to why I hadn't gone home with the others made my way to my room. I was just about to put my phone on charge after briefly texting Catra when the screen lit up with a notification. I saw it was Catra's number it read "(insert number here) sent you a photo". Curious I opened it up and what I saw made me yelp and fall off my bed from shock, "Adora what's wrong" said Glimmer opening my door to see me lying on the floor with my phone in my hand. "I uh n-nothing just sat to far to the edge" I lied faking a huge smile, "uuuuuh okay I'll leave you to what ever you were doing" said glimmer slowly closing my door. I let out a huge sigh and looked at the phone again, it was me in only my bra and panties with Catra taking the photo. I proceeded to put my phone on charge not making a sound while my face stayed a permanent bright pink shocked demeanour. I decided to take a shower so I quickly dashed into the bathroom so Bow and Glimmer couldn't see how red my face still was. As the water from the shower hit me I felt a wave of relief wash over me, as I showered my mind wouldn't stop thinking of Catra.

God Catra looked cute while drunk.

(Hello readers, here's another chapter as I wanted to write one for my birthday, after all the best gift I can get is just seeing how many people like this story. Thanks for the support seriously means a lot, until next time.)

I was drunk, okay Where stories live. Discover now