Chapter 4

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A sigh escaped from Y/N, he was tired and wanted to go home. He was still on his shift and was getting more and more tired by the hour.

He was half zoned out when he heard someone burst the front door open, making him jump slightly and look over. The person stormed over and lifted up their hand, a flame appearing. The person wore a black hoodie and a black mask, they had a bag with them.

"Give me all the money. If you dont, I will burn this cafe and everyone in it to the ground." They threatened. Y/N didn't know what to do in this situation, so he just gave a small nod and shuffled over to the register, keeping his eyes focused on the person.

He opened the register and slowly started taking out the money. "Hurry up! I don't have all day!" The person yelled at Y/N. The flame in their hand grew bigger.

Y/N's heart started beating faster than it already was. He picked up his pace and then carried the money towards the robber. That's when two heroes burst in. One of them had black, long hair that went down to his shoulders and a scarf around his neck. The other had purple, long hair and was wearing a skin tight body suit. Y/N knew who one of them was, Midnight, he didn't know who the other person was.

Everyone in the cafe froze, some of the customers had hidden under the tables from when the robber entered - which wasn't a smart idea if the robber were to burn the place down - and others were just frozen in fear in their chairs.

Y/N stared directly at the heroes, the black haired male's hair raised up aswel as his scarf. The flame on the robber's hand disappeared. The robber was surprised and looked directly at the hero who had erased their quirk. The scarf then shot out and wrapped around the robber.

The robber was pulled towards the two heroes. "You're coming with us." Midnight said, smiling. The black haired hero took the robber out of the cafe, but Midnight didn't follow. She walked over to the counter, to where Y/N was. "Are you alright?"

"Um-" Y/N couldn't find his words, he had dropped the money before when the two heroes came in. He composed himself and nodded slightly, breathing out.

Midnight looked around at the others in the cafe. "Are you all alright?" The customers all nodded, or gave their own sign of saying they were okay.

"Well, I best go." She walked towards the door, waving before she left.

Y/N looked down at the floor, seeing all the money. He kneeled down and started picking up all the money, putting it back into the register.


Y/N let out a sigh, exhausted as he flopped onto his bed. He just got back from work and he was mentally exhausted.

He pulled out his phone, turning it on and looking through his notifications. He saw a notification from the UA staff groupchat and pressed on it.


I cRaVe DeAtH: Monster Addict

Recovery Girl is online

Recovery Girl: Now, that isn't something you should crave. Are you alright?

I'm good, just got off work. I probably could've died at work tho: Monster Addict

Recovery Girl: That isn't good. What do you work as?

U h  creepy much: Monster Addict

Recovery Girl: It wasn't creepy, I was just wondering what you worked as to see if its something dangerous.

Well, it isn't: Monster Addict

Cat Man is online

Cat Man: I am exhausted

Same: Monster Addict

18+ is online

18+: Oh shush, you didnt do much on our shift.

Cat Man: I arrested someone

18+: It wasn't that much

I could've died, beat that: Monster Addict

Cat Man: I've almost died multiple times, beat that.

Recovery Girl: Both of you, stop it.

Monster Addict changed Recovery Girl's name to "Mother"

18+: Understandable

Mother: I do not want to be the mother of any of you

My mother didn't want to be my mother either 😎: Monster Addict

Cat Man: Well damn

18+: That's just sad

Mother: Are you okay?

Haha, no: Monster Addict

Monster Addict went offline

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