Chapter 5

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Y/N grabbed his coat from where he had thrown it on the floor last time he had bothered to wear it. It was raining outside, and it was currently one in the morning. Yet, he wanted to sit on the roof. Not to do anything, maybe, only if he doesn't get tempted to do something.

He slipped his coat on, grabbing his keys and walking out the door, closing and locking it behind him. He walked down the hallway, passing by multiple doors. He could hear yelling from some apartments, did he care? Not really. It wasn't really any of his business.

He opened the door to the roof and stepped out of the somewhat warmth of the building. The rain hit him, almost immediately making his h/c hair wet.

Y/N walked towards the edge, he leaned on the railing and looked out onto the city. He didn't have his hood up, but did he care? Nope. Not at all. Sure, he might end up with a cold but that isn't too much of a problem for him.

He closed his e/c eyes and listened to the rain hitting the rooftop. The smell of the rain was something he loved, he liked the rain in general. It was calming, especially on nights like this when he had just got off work and he wasn't feeling the best mentally.

Y/N thought he heard the door to the roof swing open, but he didn't open his eyes and turn to look. He was probably just hearing things.

"Hey. What are you doing up here?" A deep, tired voice said. Y/N opened his eyes and turned to see who it was. It was the man who practically saved his life.

Y/N shrugged and turned his head back towards the city. "You're going to catch a cold out here." The man got closer and leaned on the railing next to him.

"Don't really care." Y/N mumbled, running a hand through his soaking wet hair.

The man let out a sigh. "Aren't you that kid from the cafe?" Y/N nodded slightly.

"What's your name?" The man asked.

Y/N hesitated slightly, telling a stranger his name? No way. Hold up. He had already done that. Well shit. Maybe give a fake name? Maybe this hero was in that groupchat. "Um.. Jace. Yours?"

"You can just call me Eraserhead." Eraserhead said. "Anyways, why are you out on the roof, kid?"

Y/N ignored the 'kid' comment. "Wanted a distraction."

"From what?" Eraserhead asked.

"Things. You dont need to know." Y/N replied. He was debating just going back inside his apartment. He was done with social interactions for the day.

Eraserhead nodded slightly. "You should go back inside. You'll catch a cold, plus, I don't want you trying anything."

"Trying anything? Like what?" Y/N asked. He knew what he was suggesting.

"You said you wanted a distraction, and I'm guessing it's from stuff in your head. I dont want you jumping off."

Y/N pushed himself upright. "I'm not gonna try anything, plus, I was about to go back inside anyway."

"Good, dont go out standing out in the rain again. You'll get sick." Eraserhead said.

Y/N said nothing else and turned around, he walked back into the building and to his apartment. He unlocked the door and walked inside.

"Why did he have to come onto the roof? Why? I just wanted peace." Y/N muttered to himself, taking off his coat and throwing it onto the floor. He placed his keys on the kitchen counter and walked towards his bathroom.

He grabbed a towel and started drying his hair. "I dont wanna go to work tomorrow.." Y/N complained to himself.

Once he had dried his hair, he put the towel away and walked to his room. He couldn't be bothered changing his clothes, it took too much effort.

He flopped onto his bed, his horns and tail appearing. He was exhausted, hiding his horns and tail all day did not help. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through it for a few hours or so. It was about four in the morning when he fell asleep, phone still in hand.

He hoped the next day wouldn't be as tiring.


A/N: Hello! It's your favourite bitch ass author

Wattpad has decided to not be a bitch tonight so you are getting a new chapter.

I have no clue when the next chapter will be out, but hopefully I dont lose motivation again.

Anyways, have a great day/afternoon/evening!

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