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Yoo Jimin
active now

Jimin is in great disbelief, like the greatest she has ever felt before where she genuinely thinks that none of this is real. Right now, as she's walking behind, she doesn't know what to think with the view she has in front of her.

She's the vice president and she's always with the student council.

But now... She's with the band? Minus Yeji and Minjeong whom the band declared to be unreachable because of Yizhuo's assignment for them to accomplish by the end of this month.

She knows the band as the ones who are too carefree that Ryujin, who is, in her opinion, already an airhead kind of dumb, has the highest grades among all of them. Although they're not really failing a lot, but there has to be a lot of improvements.

The band likes to tease each other that their twitter accounts are basically just them making fun commentaries about each other, and also teasing Yeji.

Ryujin had approached her first, telling her all about this band with exaggerations that Jimin can never take seriously.

Like how Ryujin has the highest grades among them, and how Minjeong is always lost whenever they hang out outside of school, or even how Aeri kisses everyone when Jimin hasn't seen her kiss anyone yet, or maybe even how Minjeong called her girlfriends 'bro', even how Heejin is like the girl crush as she and Ryujin are the notably popular ones with those girls seeking for relationships.

"Yemin has been stressing out a lot that's why we invited you to hang out with us" Heejin says, an arm dangling on Jimin's shoulder while the other two waited in line at this small cafe inside the mall.

"Yemin?" Jimin repeats.

"Yeji and Minjeong, since they're always together and writing songs. But unlike before, Yeji actually has someone of a love interest, so she's a little more chill" Jimin also noticed that Ryujin never stops talking because she doesn't know when to shut the fuck up.

"Jisu and Yeji are not yet together, are they?" Ryujin looked over at the taller girl who shook her head.

"not that I know of. Even if Jisu has the biggest crush on Yeji, she's not ready to be committed in a relationship" Jimin elaborates which was understandable on the surface, Jisu wants to concentrate on the things she can do before she gets her heart broken.

"nice, you think I can flirt with her?"

"Jjin, you flirt with everyone" Jimin deadpans, causing Ryujin to burst out laughing, ruffling her hair to annoy her even more.

"it's just a harmless word"

"not when everyone's infatuated with you"

"I don't put malice in my words"

"but they do, you player" Jimin lightly shoves her before Heejin and Aeri returned, holding snacks and drinks, teasing the two for 'dating' while they were away.

All because 'dating' has become such an inside joke within their groups of friends that had started to take romantic interest with each other.

Once they settled down on a small table, Ryujin next to Jimin with Heejin and Aeri across them, they started chatting about what they do. And Jimin learned about what they do as a band.

They formed back at middle school because there was an event where they wanted to win the prize and the contest was for bands between middle schoolers within their school, and after that, they started playing together.

"by the way, we were supposed to be a hip hop unit because we're rappers, and c'mon, most of us are too cool which is why we ended up not signing up for the contest" Aeri explained while Jimin nods, sipping on her cold drink after taking a bite out of her burger.

"so you guys know how to dance?" Jimin questioned, the three giving vague answers, giving her the impression that they think that they're somewhere in between.

"the craziest part of it all is that Winter was supposed to be the leader" the group burst out laughing while Jimin covered her mouth in disbelief, like that is the greatest joke she heard to this day.

But it wasn't, the three denied any form of jokes in that fact.

"because you see, she plays drums and is learning guitar, so she's like strict about beat. And she also writes songs. That's why she's called Winter, because she's supposed to be the cool leader" Jimin couldn't stifle her laughter, her guffaw echoing against the walls with other mall goers chattering loudly to cover how loud she was laughing.

"how did Yeji become the leader, then?" the three looked at each other before laughing.

"she didn't, we just called her the leader since she's the oldest and who would take Winter seriously as a leader?" Heejin slaps her thighs as she laughs out loud.

"I can't believe how that turned out to be, I really can't imagine Minjeong being the leader" the band members agreed with her because they saw it happen first-hand.

She learned how the band went around town, playing them 30 seconds of a song just so book themselves a gig, sometimes even getting kicked out before they even finished playing.

"that sucks"

"it sucks but we're not smart to get ourselves outstanding degrees. Like you study hard, and we work hard to compensate for the future we aren't sure we can bring" Jimin shakes her head.

"it's not about wits and all. You guys are already building that future for yourselves and that's cool"

"yea. I almost forgot that those two kicked us out of the hangout place because we weren't helping them" back to laughing.

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