2- meeting ed 🥺🥰

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I got to school and was immediately scared. There were so many people and my tiny 4 foot 2 body was overwhelmed by the crowd of people. How was I going to turn heads because of my cute messy bun and square framed glasses if nobody could see me? Oh well. I kept walking and got to my first class- English.

As soon as I stepped my tiny hairy disgusting foot into the classroom, I saw the most perfect man I've ever seen in my entire life. Who was that? That spicy little tiny ginger man? He turned to look at me and smiled. His goat-like orbs gazed into my soul and I was already in love.

"Ello, schudent!" He said in a British accent. I decided to look past the sound of his voice and looked at him instead. It was kind of cute though!! "What's yoh nayme?" He asked. "O-o-o-oh, um, i-i-it's Shartneigh." I said back. There was some factor about those lifeless eyes that was so attractive to me.

"Welcome to English class!" He said. "I'm mr. sheeran." He looked at me for a little too long while I just stood there. I was sweating profusely out of every pore in my body. The stench of b.o. was overwhelming my huge nostrils. He smirked and said, "but you can call me Ed."

the shape of ed // an ed sheeran love storyWhere stories live. Discover now