chapter 1

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Jushiro Ukitake sat outside in the garden of his home sipping away at jasmine tea trying to push away last night's sleepless reign. In fact he was trying to push away the whole of last's month's almost no sleep. What he wanted most was sake to try to drown himself with. He had sent Shunsui, his life long friend away to do this for him praying that he hadn't gone and drunk it all already. He sighed at the thought as he watched the flowers of the Sakura trees float away on the wind. He thought about the up coming week of watching over training for the recruits in the living world. 

Shunsui came in practically tripping over his feet smashed. "Please tell me you didn't drink all of it." "Nooooo still a botel lef" Shunsui slurred as he plopped down next to Jushiro. Shunsui pushed the bottle into Jushiro's hand. A little over eager he opened the bottle. He knew he was going to be grumpy in the morning but he didn't care. "Anything to get rid of it for one night." He began to gulp down the bottle it burning his throat. It wasn't long before Jushiro's face was flushed. Shunsui was out drool coming from the side of his mouth as he snored. Jushiro quietly got up just as Nanao walked in looking somewhat annoyed. "Sorry my fault I asked him for a drink this time around," Jushiro quickly said. Nanao sighed "To be honest I don't blame you or him really. You have been looking like you needed something."

Jushiro was taken aback by the comment. "I thought I was doing pretty good at hiding it." "Nope anyways have a good night Captain Ukitake." she grunted under the weight of the other captain. After watching them disappear beyond the gates of his home he headed off to his bedroom. There with out taking his uniform off just plopped onto his futon. Finally sleep over took him and all hopes of the dream going away vanished.



Ukitake ran as fast as he could towards the tall apartment building that was being recked by the hollow. Screams rose from the chaos, but he concentrated on getting to the one voice. Her voice. He reached the final leap and taking out his zanpakuto. "Sōgyo no Kotowari!" he called out. His sword split into the two blades and the long cord connecting them appeared. He sliced the hollow's arm. It screeched disappearing for the moment. He landed in the hole that the hollow had made in the side of the building. "Jushiro!!" a female's voice called. Jushiro looked around, but couldn't find the source. "JUSHI-!!" the scream was cut off and loud laughter shook the building. Got to find her...Jushiro thought as bile rose in his throat. A loud crash of cars and road breaking apart erupted outside. Jushiro looked out and saw the hollow again with it's other arm it held someone. The figure was limp like a rag doll. Jushiro flashed stepped and when he appeared again cut the hollow's other arm off.

Jushiro grabbed the falling female just before she hit the ground. He was breathing hard as he collapsed to his knees holding the woman tight. He felt her tug on the white captain's robe her hand shook. "I'm sorry." That's when he saw the blood that dripped around her chest. "No, please, no!" Jushiro placed his forehead against hers. "She will be mine soon." the hollow hissed. Jushiro looked up tears running down his cheek. For once he was beyond upset. He set the woman down carefully. He stood up ignoring the pain in his lungs. The hollow dove for Jushiro, but he was faster. The hollow was done quickly. Jushiro sheathed his zanpakuto and went back to the women he collapsed beside her. The attack finally came up Jushiro too tired to suppress it. The girl reached a hand toward his face, but it dropped.

"Urahara ov-" Jushiro finally couldn't hold on to consciousness any more. Everything went dark.


Kasumi woke up her hand over her chest her breathing harsh. Her shirt stuck to her back with sweat and her forehead dripped with it. She shook her head trying to push the dream out. She couldn't be upset with things like that right now. She had to concentrate on her job not silly things like nightmares. Her students were counting on her. As she went to the bathroom she saw how frail and deathly she looked. Even though she was a lost shinigami this was a bad sign for her. She would have to do something about it though at a later date. Right now she needed to get to her students as they depended on her for winning the up coming competition against the rival highschool.

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