Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Kasumi woke up to hot breath on her neck and sunlight on her face. She groaned, she was tired and wanted to sleep. She turned over and squirmed as close as she could to Jushiro’s chest; his heartbeat was loud enough to hear. “You know you could ask and I’ll move around so you can lay on top of me,” Jushiro whispered in her ear. Kasumi felt her face flush and he chuckled. She smiled and giggled trying to hide her pleasure at hearing that sound. She understood how close she had come to not seeing and feeling him ever again.

They both understood that only all too well. “We have to file a report on all that has happened, but I will not include Kimi. I can’t risk wild accusations even with so many eyes. She has to be caught in the act or die in the process. I can’t risk exposing you yet. I can’t risk losing you; not again,” he trailed off brushing her hair back. Kasumi buried her face into his neck. The stiches closing the wound where she was impaled tugged slightly at the stretch and she grunted quietly. 

“Careful dear, we don’t need that to open. Have you been taking the medicine?” he said in her ear. “Yes, I’m surprised how well it works!” she was ultimately surprised when the nurse just gave her small little pills to take every day for a week. “Ok, just making sure. You are a hard one to take care of, heh,” 

“Yes, but you need to take care of yourself as well. Why didn’t you ever tell me about your um-?” she poked his chest looking him in the eye. “It only happens when I get overly stressed. I didn’t want you to worry,” he explained. “Oh you’re allowed to take care of me, but I can’t take care of you?” she argued a little annoyed. “Kasumi I-!” he didn’t have an answer. He turned his head toward the door hearing footsteps. 

“Juuuuushiroooooo!” Shunsui called out. Kasumi groaned and Jushiro laughed at her. “You’ll get used to it soon,” he nuzzled her. “Ju-! Oh my!” Shunsui had come through the door a small smile creeping up on his face. Kasumi wanted to hide. The only thing she had on was underclothes and a white thin kimono. Jushiro still had his pants on, but no shirt. “Shunsui you mindless hooligan!” a girl Kasumi had never seen walked in. “Nanao! In my own defense I…” Nanao hit him out of the room. “Defense my ass! I’m sorry we will wait in the front garden till you are decent,” she closed the sliding door. The two stayed silent till all the yelling disappeared down the hall. 

“Can I just go back to sleep and wake up to find out this a dream?” Kasumi mumbled. “Why? I’m enjoying every single moment of this though,” Jushiro partially pinned her playfully. “Heh, yes, but I am half naked and another man just saw me,” Kasumi teased while making a point. If anything she knew Shunsui was somewhat of a flirt and would try it. 

“He wouldn’t,” he growled pressing his lips against hers. “Already staking claims,” Kasumi replied poking fun at her name a little. “Well, then we have a problem seeing as I’m the Omega and you the Alpha,” he chuckled. “I never said I was taking up the noble part of it,” Kasumi sat up slowly looking away from him. 

“C’mon no more dark and gloomy. For now at least, alright?” Jushiro led her lips to his. Kasumi smiled slightly nodding. “Ok, let’s see what Shunsui and Nanao want,” Jushiro lifted her up and began to put the rest of his clothes on. She noticed he stole glances while she was getting ready and threw a pillow at him teasingly, “Never thought a gentleman would sneak glances at a woman.”

The two got outside hand in hand and laughing. “Sorry about earlier,” Shunsui rubbed the back of his head smiling. “It’s fine as long as you don’t start flirting with what’s mine,” Jushiro playfully said, but the warning was firmly implanted in there. “Don’t worry there’s no plan to, but you do have a lovely one Jushiro,” Shunsui winked at Kasumi making her blush. Jushiro growled slightly and Nanao slapped him on the back of the head almost knocking his hat off. “Anyways, we came because there’s a small party at the bar tonight,” Nanao piped in still glaring at Shunsui. Jushiro looked at Kasumi who was shuffling her feet. 

“Do you not want to go Kasumi?” he asked. “No, that’s not the problem. I’ve actually never gone for a drink or anything like that,” she looked at him. The first time she had ever had sake she couldn’t get it down her throat. “Well, you never know till you try!” Shunsui laughed turning to the gate, “Be there at eight and you might want to get her into something that doesn’t make her look like a student!”

“Indeed,” Yamamoto was coming up the path his lieutenant behind him. “Yamamoto!” all four bowed respectfully at the same time. “I just came with Kasumi’s admission form for the school. I have also added she will be holding residence with you, Jushiro, while attending. I think she will be more comfortable and SAFE with you. Many of the top class graduating first years were not happy to hear of her entrance,” Yamamoto reached Kasumi who bowed again after being giving the invitation. “Thank you, sir,” she said. “I’m sorry about the people you will be attending with. If there is a problem do not hesitate to ask the teacher. Good luck,” Yamamoto went to leave, but turned around, “Oh, and have fun tonight you four. Kasumi, Captain Ukitake already has asked if you may have special permission to attend things like any normal shinigami.”

They watched him leave then Kasumi looked at the small envelope in her hands. Jushiro picked her up and spun her around. After setting her down; Shunsui came over and the two hugged her. “Congrats, sorry you might have to deal with a couple of bullies,” Nanao smiled slightly patting Kasumi on the shoulder. “It wouldn’t be a first. Already had to deal with it for most of my life. Growing up like a normal human, but the aging process slowed down once I reached 19 which was 100 years ago?” Kasumi scratched the back of her head it had been a long time and she hadn’t kept track. 

“So, what age are you considered in the human world?” Jushiro asked. “25, at least,” she tilted her head slightly. “Well at least it’s not that questionable, Jushiro. You’re lucky enough to still look thirty,” Shunsui laughed. “Well if you shaved sometimes you wouldn’t look that old,” Nanao teased him. Shunsui rubbed his chin self-consciously. 

“Alright let’s go to the office. I do still have a long report to write,” Jushiro pulled Kasumi along. “They got to his offices and Kasumi helped with the mounting paper work while he wrote the report. “Oh, Kasumi I thought you would be still resting!” Rukia had come in with more paper and two small notes. “No, I’m well enough to at least do paperwork and walk around,” she watched as Rukia put the papers on the desk then handed her the note. “There’s one for you, too, Captain!” she threw it like a Frisbee and he caught it between two fingers. “Thank you, Rukia. More orders have come in. Will you hand them out to everyone please?” he pointed to the complete stack next to Kasumi. “Of course!” she grabbed the pile and left. 

Jushiro got up and beckoned Kasumi to follow. “Where are we going?” she asked. “Isn’t the note for you to go to the fourth division?” he asked. She hadn’t looked at it yet. She turned the note over and the insignia was for the fourth division, but below that was a small signature from Captain Kuchiki. “Yes, but I think it was more someone ordered it to be sent,” Kasumi grumbled. “What do you mean?” he tilted his head to look closer at the note. “Captain Kuchiki’s signature is there.” “Huh, you’re right. Don’t worry he means well. As much as he has a cool exterior he cares deeply.  Family is family to him,” Jushiro smiled. “I’m not family though,” Kasumi’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “Oh, I guess I forgot to tell you a family member of his before he was born apparently married into the Ookami’s. That makes you and him family,” he said. “WHAT?!” Kasumi stopped her mouth gaping open.

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