Chapter Six

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Chp 6::::


"So did you ask Mr Brown about early entry today?" My father asks before pursing his lips and taking another bite of his chicken mignon, chewing whilst waiting for my answer. I was looking into early entry into Harvard University, its when a student preforms exceptionally well in Year11 and Universities accept you in before you even begin Year12 but, you have to keep working of course and not just slack off. "Yeah, i asked Mr Brown and he gave me some tips as to how to go about getting an early entry. He got in that..." i paused as i heard the familiar text tone of my phone in my pocket before i continued "umm, yeah, he got into Harvard himself through early entry..". My father finished his bite before continuing the common conversation of my future before we were interrupted again by my text tone. I slid it out of my pocket and saw the time of 6:30 glowing in white contrasting with my lockscreen image of my group at school, there 7 of us, 4 guys and 3 girls. Also illuminating my screen was a text, in fact two texts from Harry; "Liam, help cover for me, meet me at the bowling alley" followed by "Liam! Hurry your sweet ass time up" why the hell was Harry texting me for something other than instructing me to meet him outside because i have to tag along to one of his stupid gang meetings?. "What is it this time?" I replied and within seconds he was typing a reply- "Indigo" I groaned before I ate the last of my dinner and excused myself from the table.

I slid my chair behind me as i jogged lightly up the cedar wood stairs grabbing the railing as i shift my direction to walk down the hall to my room. I grab my shoes and my black adidas hoodie from my closet and jog back down stairs, saying a quick goodbye and walking out the door, jumping into my dark Range Rover and driving to pick up another one of Harry's messes accompanied by the quiet radio.

I park my car in the large gravel-prominent carpark, my car shifting to the left and then right as i drive over the uneven surface. Sliding out of the Evoque I spot Harry's car parked roughly as if he was frantically trying to get inside, and with that evidence I do not want to know why. But in a way Harry is like a brother to me, a brother that has a very different personality, a very different plan for the future and is just an overall shit head, but just like a brother, i will still help him out of his mess.

I walk up the little amount of small width stairs and pull open the glass door, revealing a dark room with the only light sources being the small tv screens showing the scores of Ten-Pin, the lights of the arcade games to my left and the light bulbs suspending from the ceiling giving a yellow glow to the front desk in which you pay for your games and hire your bowling shoes. The bowling alley really seemed quite stingy, but for some reason parents still thought it was completely safe to bring children here at all times of the day and even leave them here with no responsible adult.

I glance around the large area, I knew Harry wouldn't be bowling or playing an arcade game so i didn't even bother looking in that direction. A dark figure sitting at a booth suddenly appeared in my eyesight and assumed it to be Harry, i slowly walked over to him bracing myself to clean up his mess.

"Harr-" I begin as i start to walk over "Call me Haz!" He replies abruptly. I have known Harry since we were born and never have I once been permitted to call him Haz where is he going with this?, "I told her we were friends, we have to act like friends, just greet me by calling me by my nickname" he finishes. I snap into character, grin and hold out my hand ready for 'Haz' to grab it and pull me into his chest like how his friends greet. "Hazzz..." I announce holding the sound of the 'z' thinking it made it seem like I have always called him that "Ready to bowl? You're going dow-" "Too far, We aren't here to bowl Liam, sit!" Harry hisses and emphasises my name condescendingly ordering me once again, but of course i oblige, i know what he is like if you don't follow his orders. "I told her I knew you so i could get in with her and get her trust but she didn't believe shit, so i just left it, sat down and told you to turn up and pretend to be who i said you were- my friend so she trusts me" If he did say that he'd prove it to Indy and then i showed up, it would seem as if he just ordered me to come, and i guess he did that but I mean forced and threatened me if i didn't show. Whats all the sudden need of her trust for?

"YEAHH" I heard someone yell from the lane near where we were sitting, I look towards the direction of the expression of excitement and see the girl who is the reason I am here, Indigo Moore. "Suck on that Harper, I told you i would get a strike, now pay up" her eyes sparkled as she jokingly ordered her friend. Her sparkling eyes then looked up at me as she felt my eyes on her, I smiled and gave a small wave, i've talked to her a few times at school but she doesn't sit with me at lunch. As she returned the wave, her gaze turned to who i was with, Harry and her eyes widened, she looked back at me for re-assurance and i gave a slight nod.

"Shit! If she comes over we're friends okay Liam?" Harry says as he slides out of the booth and starts walking to the bathroom, but he pauses for a moment, throwing his head over his shoulder "and don't forget, call me Haz", and with that he continues taking large strides to the bathroom with his long, thin legs.

I turn to my left to look over the booth, back down at the lanes so i know when to prepare myself for if and when Indy starts approaching us, but she is no longer there. I slowly turn my head to pan the area for her skinny figure and i spot her walking towards my booth, eyes locked to the table, hips swaying with her legs. "So you actually are friends?" She asks straight up, completely baffled. This is where i lie, more so exaggerate the truth, yes we are family friends but that doesn't mean we talk allday about whats troubling us and what our crush said to us that day, we are forced to hang out because of our families and frankly, i don't mind too much, it gives me somewhere to go other than the usual places. "Haz and I?" i chuckle "we're good mates, have been since we were born" she seemed surprised with my response and i felt like i needed to back it up, put in a good word for Harry because i know he'll whine if i don't. "He's a really good guy" she gives be a facial response speaking silently that she isn't buying it, "really cares about any girl he's with, he isn't the douchebag everyone says he is, its a rep he's gained" all of this was complete and utter bullshit, he was an egotistical dick who couldn't give a shit about any girl, he just used them, all of them. She seemed to buy the act though as her face softened, not fully but slightly relaxing.

Harry slides back in the booth with a quick wink towards her followed by a "hey" whilst chewing slowly on his gum, "hey" she replied with a slight smirk-

I am extremely sorry for the long wait for this chapter, to be completely honest I didn't know it was my turn and then i was bombarded with school stuff but i eventually got it done.

Hope it was worth the wait, if it was (or wasn't) drop us a comment, vote or tell your friends about it.

Thank you to Hazzabear15 , Liar_on_fire , LukesPenguinSammie and amazaynXmalik for reviewing Chapter 5, go follow them.
Everyone who drops us a comment will be mentioned and given a shoutout in the chapter that follows.
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