Chapter Thirteen

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Zayn's POV:

I hear the front door of the tattoo shop slam open but continue looking through the book filled with various tattoo designs. Hmmm... What tattoo will I get next? Maybe I'll get a skull, or maybe a gun. Yeah I think I will get a gun next, maybe on my hip.

"Zayn, did you fucking text Indigo warning messages about me?" Harry snapped at me. Who does he think he is going off at me, and warning messages? Indigo? "What are you talking about, man? I don't even have her number" Why would I have her number. It's his fucking job to get her, not mine.

He sighed "Does this mean Louis is messing with her?" Standing up from my seat I lead Harry towards the back corner of the shop where my room is, "There's only one way to find out".

"Zayn, I know you can help me but what on earth is in the store room that could possibly help us?" Harry asked in a state of bewilderment. I ignored him and roamed through the generously spaced room over to the boxes filled with bottles of tattoo ink, moving them away from the wall where there was a rectangle box illuminating the room with a soft blue glow.

Placing my hand down onto of the box, I waited then for the light to go green and shuffled over to the now opening hidden door. We walked up a couple of flights of stairs before we came to a halt at a big black door with an intricate symbol in the top right corner. I watched Harry's face light up like a kids on Christmas morning as I opened the door.

I looked around the room with a smug look on my face. It was quite a big room filled with my broad collection of various firearms. We slowly walked towards the back corner, going past the walls lined with my most prized handguns, rifles and sketches. Sitting downs at my dads old mahogany desk in front of the three computer screens I began to type different codes, scrolling through until the software I needed came up.

"So" I I said turning my chair around to face him, "Tell me. What exactly did the message say Harry?". "The first one was something like delicate things don't break easy and the other one was 'Ring around the Rosie'. How are we going to find out if it was Louis sending them?"

I glared at him, "Those are trade secrets my friend, you will need to prove yourself to me before I'll even consider telling you. You will just have to sit back and watch as i work my magic." Keyboard clicks filled the room as I opened the software needed to trace those text messages. I entered the correct information including Indigos number and waited for the bar to reach 100%.

Beep Beep "Are you serious, dammit" I shouted, "Harry I need her phone to trace it, you need to get me her phone" I sighed in disappointment, if this was Louis oh man he's good, not even my state of the art tracing software can trace it without connection, this has never happened before.

"I can't steal her-" Bring Bring Bring, Bring Bring Bring The name Liam with the most embarrassing photo of him popped up on the screen of Harry's slim sliver iPhone.

Harry hesitantly looked down at his phone, "Go on, answer it ya prick, oh and tell him to 'borrow' Indigos phone if you're to much of a pussy to do it yourself" I chuckled as I taunted him. Harry slid his long, smooth finger across the screen, answering the phone and bringing it up to his ear as he walked back to the front of the shop.

Tapping my fingers against the mahogany desk as I wait for Harry's return, I think to myself. It's been a while since I've gotten the whole gang together to do anything. I should organise something. A heard the faint slam of a door snapping me out of my thoughts, Harry must have left. I will send them all a text and they better come tonight or I'll be pissed.

To: Harry, Luke, Michael, Ashton, Andy, Sam & Will

Meet out the back of the shop tonight at 6


It's 5:59pm when the door first open with everyone but Harry and Luke. "Good, you're here but do you know where Harry and Luke are?" I questioned them. Ashton was the first to speak up, "Harry needed a lift so Luke is picking him up" I rolled my eyes at his response, "I don't know why that kid doesn't get his own car, it would be so much easier for everyone- speak of the devil look who's here" glancing towards the door way as Harry and Luke entered.

"Sorry for being late Zayn I had to pick Harry up" Luke apologised to me with Harry giving me a slight smile. "Yeah yeah, let's just get this meeting going" I replied then led them to my secret room in the back. Sitting down at my desk I watched the others as they gathered around me. "We need to do some ting, any ideas?" I asked.

"How about we shoot something?" Andy suggests. Shaking my head "I would shoot your brains it's seems as if I've been beaten to it you dumb shit" I smirk at him as he cowers back. Everything was silent.

A deep, raspy voice spoke up, "How bout we rob a bank?" Looking over to where Harry was leaning on the wall, "hmmm, that's actually not a bad idea and you want to prove yourself to me don't you? So how bout you run this operation by yourself-with my supervision of course?"

Harry looked up at with a a hint of fear in his hungry eyes. With a big grin on his face he replied "Yes I'll do it, this is going to be great!" He better not get us caught. "Okay you heard the man, Let's go rob a bank boys!" I yelled. The room was filled with excitement and cheering!


Hiiiii im so so sorry for the long wait. Attached is an image of what I picture Zayns "secret lair" to look like but feel free to imagine it any way you want to :) Thank you so much for all the reads and votes! Be sure to follow us on Twitter @thecliquefanfic for updates and other info and the authors on our personals:

L.G: @Lauren_Harrry
S.B: @justlikestyles
D.P: @PearlCl0ud
L.B: @harryslilpeanut

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