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"Now promise me that even if there's a day that you feel alone, don't just weep in your room for the whole day. You can reach out to me, Chaeyoung.", those words rang into her mind as she remembered how her boyfriend comforted her after she just lost her father.

At that time, they were just a few weeks into their relationship and Chaeyoung became a different person because of her father's death. She almost let their budding relationship turns sour as time goes by. Luckily Do Hwan being the boyfriend, understood what she felt and remained patient with her quiet demeanour after losing her father.

Since that day he gave her that comforting words, she never feels alone again. She has him to rely on.

"Hmm...what should I cook for tonight? He's had a busy day today, he must've been tired when he get back.", Chaeyoung said as she sent a message asking when Do Hwan will get home.

"It's probably going to be late when he's home.", she added as she thought whether Do Hwan wants to eat when he comes back or not.

He usually does not eat at night. Even if he eats, it will be just simple dishes. He does not like to eat large before sleep.

'Hey, Chaengie. I'm sorry I might not be able to come back there tonight. I'll sleep at my house. It's nearer to the shooting site. I promise I'll come back tomorrow, okay? I love you.' - Do Hwan Oppa

Chaeyoung sighed at the reply she read. Lately, Do Hwan had been busy with his acting schedule. He rarely comes back to their rented house which located in the same apartment complex where Chaeyoung lived before she met him. Therefore, whenever he is not around she will go back to her apartment unit where Lisa still lived in.

"Do Hwan oppa is busy again?", Lisa asked the moment she saw Chaeyoung entering the apartment.

"He said he can't come and decided to sleep at his own house tonight. It's closer to the shooting site.", Chaeyoung replied as she approached Lisa and slumped herself into the empty space of the sofa.

She closed her eyes right after that but she felt like someone is watching her closely so she opened her eyes.

"Yah, what's wrong with you?!", she threw a cushion to Lisa who was staring at her face closely.

"Aish, Park Chaeyoung! I'm just trying to see what kind of face you're showing me. That's it.", Lisa threw back the cushion but gently as Chaeyoung grabbed it and hugged it close to herself.

Chaeyoung gave a small pout at her best friend, "I'm just tired. What were you thinking my face showed you?"

Lisa leaned back beside Chaeyoung on the sofa and had her eyes on the TV. She shrugged her shoulders before answering Chaeyoung, "Who knows you're hiding a sad face from me. Your boyfriend has gotten busier these days and you always crash my place."

Chaeyoung laughed, "Yah, is it your own place now? I was the one who purchased it, okay? You just continue to pay the loan and stay here."

Lisa nodded, "That's right. I continue to pay the loan so this is my place alone now."

Chaeyoung nudged Lisa's elbow, "Are you sure you can live alone here, Lis?"

Lisa looked at Chaeyoung who gave a glare at her, "Hey, don't act so brave just because you're a horror novelist, okay? I can live alone. Besides I have someone accompanying me sometimes."

Chaeyoung widened her eyes at Lisa's statement. "Whoa, so it's true you have someone now, Lis?", she asked with anticipation.

Lisa raised her hand and put her palm in front of Chaeyoung's face, "Nuh-uh, I'm not telling anything. Not yet."

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