yeah, no

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"Gosh, his like a solid rock.", that thought crossed Chaeyoung's mind again this morning when she saw the same person in the elevator.

"Chaeyoung!", Lisa nudged her elbow a little too hard making her jumped beside her. "Aren't you stepping out?", Lisa asked as she signalled to the opened elevator.

Chaeyoung looked at Lisa weirdly, "Why are you chasing me away? I'm going down with you, Lis."

Lisa made a frowning face, "Chae, you said the publishing company send you a car today. And you clicked this floor yourself."

Hearing that, Chaeyoung realized that she has made a fool out of herself.

"Uh, yeah. I forgot. Well, see you later, Lis! Bye!", she quickly walked out and turned to wave her hand at Lisa who is going to the underground parking area.

She managed to get a glance of the man standing at the back leaning against the wall of the elevator. Somehow she felt embarrassed again with him witnessing her probably spacing out in there. Why did she always embarrass herself when he is there? And that made her curious of his identity.


That day was tiring for Chaeyoung but she knew that she had a good ending in the evening. With her pen name, Roseanne Park, she was awarded The Best Novelist at the National Literary Award that evening. She had a few short interviews with several media at the event before the publishing company she works for, Mansae Publishers get her back to her house.

"Uh...Dohyun-ssi, this is not the apartment complex.", Chaeyoung said as she looked out from the window to see an unfamiliar view before seeing a signage at the left corner of the building. "This is Halyang World, what are we doing here?", she asked as Dohyun got out of his driver seat and went to open the door for her.

He smiled brightly, "You're invited by someone to the Hall A."

"What?", she stepped out slowly looking at Dohyun in curiosity.

"Hi, madam. I am Seo Hyunwoo, I will escort you to Hall A.", a staff of the building wearing light blue uniform bowed down to her.

"Umm...Dohyun-ssi, what is this..."

"It's fine. Just follow him."




Although she got a weird feeling following the staff, she still wanted to know where she is headed to. They got in the elevator to the first floor and she is led to where she could hear music slowly filling her ears. It got louder until they stopped in front of the large door with label 'Hall A'.

She saw Hyunwoo nodding to his fellow colleague who is standing beside the door like a guard. Then, that colleague of his clicked something on his phone as if sending a message or something. Chaeyoung watched and waited patiently before she no longer hear music from the hall.

"Madam, you can go inside.", Hyunwoo said with a little smile.

"Me?", she saw him nodding. "Alone?", another nod is given to her. "Okay...", she mouthed before slowly turning the doorknob of the hall.

She knew that Halyang World is a building famous for its various event spaces but she never been there before. She was getting all sorts of wild guesses like a prank, a surprise party or maybe even someone mistaken her for somebody else to be here. But who would prank her and what kind of prank is this? Also, if it is a surprise party, she feels too soon for that.

"CONGRATULATIONS!!!", the crowd made her flinched as she slowly peeked in to see what is going on inside the hall.

"Chaeyoung!!!", Lisa's loud voice greeted her ears after that but it did not stop her from hearing the cheering from the crowd. "Congratulations, The Best Novelist Roseanne Park!", she was pulled inside by Lisa who later led her to the center of the hall.

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