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Final Chapter 😬


The sound coming from the kitchen bothered Lisa's ears as she entered the apartment. As she remembered, her last visitor who is her model boyfriend, Taehyung had left last night for an urgent matter back at his house. She did not receive any other visitor for the past few days.

" that?", she whispered as she slowly stepped to the kitchen to check for the intruder's identity.

"Hey, Lisa. Good morning.", the familiar voice made Lisa widened her eyes in disbelief.

She entered the kitchen and quickly sat on the stool across the person that just greeted her.

"What's with the look? Forgotten how I look already, bestie?", Lisa shook her head at the question.

"What are you doing here? I thought you love staying upstairs with your boyfriend.", she said while snatching the bottle of chocolate milk from Chaeyoung's hand.

"He's not at home. Been busy since yesterday with some drama shooting.", Chaeyoung answered while rolling her eyes, she looked annoyed with something.

Lisa scanned her face before asking, "What drama? You don't look happy talking about it."

Chaeyoung sighed, "How can I be happy? He's acting with Han So-Hee again, Lis."

Now, Lisa chuckled.

"Is this the new drama that I said IU will be acting with Gong Yoo last time? I told you your boyfriend will have a cameo but you don't want to know about it. Now, look who's unhappy here.", she laughed louder while looking at Chaeyoung became gloomy at the fact that her boyfriend who used to work with the actress, Han So-Hee, are working together again.

"But, it's just a cameo, right? There shouldn't be a lot of scene of them in the drama then.", Lisa added, trying to make Chaeyoung feel better.

"Yea but I asked him before he go, he said their cameo scene is a kissing scene. How am am I not mad at that?", Chaeyoung raised her voice in the end while tightening her grip on her empty glass.

Lisa saw that and slowly touched Chaeyoung's hand to tell her to calm down.

"Relax,'s scene. It's his job, he's an actor, remember?", Lisa said as she carefully patted Chaeyoung's hand.

"I know it's his job but...I can't control myself when I see him kissing another woman even if it's just an act.", Chaeyoung pouted as she let go of the glass in her hand. "Do you think he'll get tired of me because of this? Being jealous to see him acting all lovely with another woman on screen. Do you think he will...leave me.."

"I won't leave you, Chaeyoung.", the manly voice coming from the door startled the two women in the kitchen. "There's no way I will leave my beautiful novelist girlfriend for someone else.", the voice became clearer and closer as Chaeyoung turned around to the direction of the door. "I love you.", now he stood just a few steps away from her with Taehyung seen walking behind him. Chaeyoung smiled as she stepped forward to him and hugged him tightly in her arms.

Lisa smiled before she went to hug Taehyung and imitated Kang, "I won't leave you, Taehyungie."

Both Chaeyoung and Kang laughed at it before they let go of each other.

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