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"Hello, it's me.", Chaeyoung knew how nice the security guard at the apartment complex where Do Hwan lives in.

He knew her as the actor's girlfriend and always helped them to get away from paparazzi and reporter that followed them there. He also knew that Do Hwan has brought a different girl these days but he thought that Chaeyoung has broke up with Do Hwan. Chaeyoung only found out about it last night when she called him.

"Hi, Dongho-ssi.", Chaeyoung greeted the security guard as she arrived at the guard post of the apartment complex.

"Chaeyoung-ssi, you're here.", he replied as he took out a key card. "Are you sure you want to walk in on them?", he asked as he hesitated to give her the spare key card.

She nodded to him, "I have to confront him no matter what, Dongho-ssi."

He sighed quietly, "I don't know what has gotten into him. I hope you'll be strong to face him."

Chaeyoung took the key card and smiled at the kind security guard, "I'll be fine. Thank you, Dongho-ssi."

"Wait, Chaeyoung-ssi. If you need backup, I'm here.", he said with a smile while waving his phone at her.

She smiled to him and walked to the elevator that leads to Do Hwan's apartment unit.

When she arrived at the seventh floor where his apartment located at, she took a deep breath in to gather her strength to face Do Hwan. She knew that the day would come when she confronts him like this. She just needed the courage to face him and end it all with him.

Tapping the key card and the front door opened with a sound, Chaeyoung entered with hope that she was wrong but at the same time she wanted to be right about him cheating on her.

As she walked towards the living room, she looked around before she stared at the door of the bedroom she knew belongs to Do Hwan. She walked to it and slowly turned the doorknob to open the door. Then, she slowly pushed the door open and walked in to check the bed.

As she got closer, her eyes swelled in tears. She was right all this while. He cheated on her with his drama co-star.

"Oppa? Do Hwan oppa, wake up.", she ignored the girl beside him and only shook Do Hwan's shoulder to wake him up.


"Oppa, wake up now."

"Chaeyoung, five minutes."

"No, wake up now."

"Five minutes..."

"Babe, what are you mumbling about?", Sooyoung who is an actress known by the name Joy asked the man that embracing her while opening her eyes slowly.

Chaeyoung glared at her and made her eyes went wide in shock.

"Babe...I mean...Woo..Do Hwan-ssi, wake up.", Sooyoung moved back and tried to release his arms from hugging her. "Wake up.", she added as she struggled to be let go.

"Baby, why are you calling me that way?", Do Hwan asked with eyes still shut.

"Woo Do Hwan oppa, open your eyes and look at me!", Chaeyoung cannot wait any longer as she started slapping the bare skin around his arm to wake him up.

"Oww, oww!! Chae...wait...", his eyes bulged at the realisation. "Chae...Chaeyoung, what are you doing here?", he asked as he turned to see her standing beside his bed in tears. Then, he looked at Sooyoung beside him. "My love, it's...", he stopped when Chaeyoung slapped his face.

"I hate you.", she said before she stormed out from there.


It had been a week since the incident with Do Hwan but Chaeyoung still could not stop herself from crying at her unlucky fate in love. She felt so down and has no courage to do anything as she wrapped up in the blanket of their bed. She might have fallen out of love from him and broke up with him but she has not yet moved on from him. She knew that herself.

"Chaeyoung, wake up. Gosh, I had to argue with the guard downstairs to give me a spare key to this apartment. Why are you still here, Chae?", Lisa dashed in into the room as soon as she got back from Thailand.

"Why didn't you stay at mine? I swear if I see that Do Hwan guy, I'll kick his groin. I'm not just saying,  I'll really do it this time.", Lisa said as she opened the windows and took the blanket away from Chaeyoung.

"Just go and do it. Don't tell me, I'm not going to stop you.", Chaeyoung replied lazily as she took the pillow beside her and covered her face with it.

Lisa cursed Do Hwan's name for making her best friend went into this dispirited state here.

"I will do it once I see him. Now I'm seeing you and I hate to see you this way, Chae. Come on, get up.", Lisa forcefully pulled Chaeyoung's hand to get up from the bed.

"What are you doing?", she asked.

"Get up and let's get out from this house.", Lisa told her as she managed to get her best friend to stand up. "Gosh, how long have you not shower? Chaeyoung, this is so not like you.", she fanned her nose to get rid of the bad smell coming from Chaeyoung.

A dry laugh came out from Chaeyoung, "I don't ask you to do this, Lis."

Lisa looked at her with an unamused expression, "I'm here because I care about you, Chae. Now, let's go."

Lisa took her out of the apartment unit and waited for the elevator to come. When the elevator arrived, there were two men in the elevator which made Chaeyoung hesitated to enter. However, it was too late for her when Lisa shoved her weak body inside the elevator.

She could hear one of the men coughed behind them but she tried to ignore it.

"Ehem, excuse us, please.", one of the men said. She recognised him. She always saw him everytime she got into this elevator.

Lisa pulled Chaeyoung close to her before letting the men walked out.

"I'm sorry.", Chaeyoung managed to say before the man she recognised turned around while the elevator closed. She could see him nodding to her before the elevator completely closed and went down to the ninth floor.

"You should've told me to at least wash my face before we leave.", Chaeyoung had a sudden embarrassment with those two men earlier.

Lisa shook her head, "I am never letting you to stay there any second longer."

"But you've just embarrassed me with those men earlier.", Chaeyoung argued as they reached the apartment unit 9100.

A chuckle was given to Chaeyoung's words.

"I'm embarrassed and you can laugh at me? I don't even understand how you can stick to me when I'm this smelly.", she added as they entered the apartment.

"Well, it's not like you'll see those men again. And I'm a very good friend. I can stand your bad smell, aren't I the bestest of a best friend, Chaengie?", Lisa smiled brightly while taking Chaeyoung into her old bedroom. "Now, go inside the bathroom and take a shower. I'll prepare lunch for us.", she said as she handed a new towel and pushed Chaeyoung into her bathroom.

Chaeyoung sighed before pulling her plain black shirt and sniffed it.

"Eew! Smells like rotten apple.", she exclaimed.

She put the towel Lisa gave to the towel hanger and looked at the products she used at the compartment beside the mirror. As she looked at them, she suddenly recalled the embarrassing thing happened earlier. She was not focusing on the embarrassment this time but rather to the identity of one of the men. The one who spoke and nodded to her.

"Is he a celebrity too?", she asked as she remembered he wore a mask and baggy clothes with a black cap like how her actor ex-boyfriend usually dressed to cover up from being followed by paparazzi and reporter.

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