Getting My Hands On You

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A ghost sat quietly on the top of the entrance of the Four Seasons Manor.

Her obsidian hair was braided and pulled back into a ponytail that moved in the gentle breeze, pushing cherry blossoms into the midnight air.

Dark brown eyes scanned their surroundings as the beauty dared danger to approach the sleeping manor.

Soft syrup brown skin glowed in the moonlight before she gently placed a bandaged hand on the hilt of the sword strapped horizontally to the back of her waist.

A moment passed before her hand relaxed.

"Jia Li."

The ghost closed her eyes as the Chief of the Ghost Valley approached her with a concerned frown dawning his lips. 

"Yes Chief?"

"Why aren't you sleeping?"

"Why aren't you sleeping?"

He snorted softly as he sat down next to her.

She opened her eyes before looking over her friend. 

He had bags under his eyes and looked paler than normal.


"More like reliving bad memories."

"They're getting worse, it seems."

"Because I'm remembering more for some odd reason."

Jia Li gently patted his shoulder. "Then perhaps there's something you're destined to remember."

He nodded with glazed eyes before refocusing on her. "What about you?"

"I always struggle with sleeping when I sense oncoming bloodshed."

"That hasn't stopped you from sleeping before."

She sighed. "I guess...I'm just thinking about my past too."

"What part?"

"My ties to the Scorpion King."

He pressed his lips into a fine line before staring out into the blooming forest. "Mm."

"I've been trying not to think too much, but I can't help it now that a book with our faces and names is going around like a wildfire." The ghost dragged her bandaged hands down her face. "I'm worried for the ghosts who are out here running for their lives, hiding with the fear of being murdered because of the wrongdoings of others."

"Speaking of the wrongdoings of others."

Jia Li tilted her head. "Mm?"

"I need you to do something for me."

"Oh? Like what?"

"I need you to go see what the Beauty and Tragicomic Ghost are up to."

The female ghost frowned. "Aren't they being held by the Scorpion Sect?"

He nodded. "I trust that you're capable enough to get in and out without making too much of a mess."

"Why can't you do it and leave me to protect your two humans."

"I've been fighting the Soup of Oblivion, Jia Li."

The ghost's eyes began to water. "So what you're saying is, you want me to go endanger my very existence by fucking around in a house of assassins...... because you're too hurt to do it yourself?" 

"Are you that scared?"

"The last time I interacted with the scorpion sect, I nearly lost my life."

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