Hot Springs

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Jia Li woke up many hours later to the strong scent of salve and a fresh change of bandages around her head.

Her mind raced as she tried to figure out how she had not been stirred from her slumber during the whole process.

Perhaps something she had eaten or drank earlier was laced with a sedative.

She pushed the thought to side as she stretched and relished in how refreshed her body felt after a long and proper rest.

The ghost carefully got out of the bed and winced as her body struggled to adjust and adapt to her standing after receiving severe trauma to the head.

Slowly, Jia Li made her way across the room and out the side door that lead to a small balcony adorned with vines blooming with fragrant white flowers.

The bandaged ghost looked out to see the setting sun settling on the courtyard down below.

Servants were moving around to accomplish whatever task they had been assigned while those of higher ranks strolled around with poise and elegance.

Liu Qianqiao was talking to a few servants while other people with familiar faces and unknown names headed elsewhere.

Jia Li narrowed her eyes as she leaned over the ledge to see if she could spot the Scorpion King.

Knowing him, he'd probably be on the sidelines reading or playing his pipa while watching others with venom in his eyes.

The ghost was tempted to leap down and explore, but with her injury, she'd more than likely land incorrectly and render herself immobile for the rest of her days.

Nimble bandaged fingers plucked at the white flowers before the ghost dropped them down from the balcony.

One by one each flower danced gracefully through the air as the wind pushed it further away from the balcony.

A few servants noticed the abrupt increase in flowers moving around them and then looked up to see the the black beauty staring down at them.

Her lips curled up into a warm smile as she continued to rain flowers down on those the wind brought each petal to. 

This continued until she grew bored of the servants below and began to sink into the bored childish activity of- 'He loves me, he loves me not' with the pluck of each petal.

Her mind had figured out how to end on being loved, but there was always something exciting about plucking a petal away at random for each man who passed by.

This time however, she let her mind pluck without anyone in mind and waited until the last petal to find someone.

"He loves me."

"He loves me not."

"He loves me."

"He loves me not."

"He loves me-"

"Are you that unaware of my feelings, Li'er?"

Jia Li yelped and dropped the flower over the balcony before looking up at the Scorpion King standing behind her. 

"Goodness. My heart almost stopped." She clutched at her chest.

"Because of how handsome I am?"

Jia Li looked the smiling man over.

There were petals stuck in his hair and clinging to his clothes, causing the ghost to look away to conceal her amusement.

"I would say you look ghastly, but perhaps the flowers are helping."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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