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Nandini told everything to Suneha and Suneha is very happy for her friend because at last whom she loves so much is now wanted a friendship with her.

Nandini you are looking very beautiful today,  what is the reason?? -- shehzada asked.

Thank you,  and I'm very happy today, very very ....may be that's why I'm looking beautiful..... -- Nandini said while smiling.

This smile suits you very much....  Always be like this.. -- he said and left from there.

Prit is coming towards Nandini class don't know why, it's a first time when he is entering in her class,  he saw Nandini is talking with a guy and that's guy is none other than Rehan, rehan is passing silly jokes and Nandini is laughing hard in front of her, Prit  knuckles turned white after seeing this and he left from there. Nandini didn't saw him so it's doesn't matter to her.

In the lunch time

Nandini is eating her lunch and feeding her friend Suneha also because Suneha is talking with his boyfriend so it's Nandini daily job to feed her.Prit again came in her class with his friend Aryan and Nandini saw both of them, Nandini is shocked seeing him in her class, she is again feeling jitters in her stomach.

Prit came close to her and said -- feed me also...

Nandini is stunned by his words, she takrn aback ....

Nandini didn't feed him but she passed him her lunch box while looking here and there.

Prit take it and eat all the food but he didn't ask for once if she ate it or not and he even didn't think about what she will eat if he eat her lunch.

Suneha saw that but didn't said anything, she is happy after seeing her friend Nandini face, which is shining bright cause of happiness.

Her each days now passed like this, Prit daily came in her class and eat her lunch, Nandini carried two lunch boxes one for her and one for him, she lied to her mother that she feel hungry after attending tuition so that's why her mother didn't ask about anything, and give her two lunch boxes, she thinks that her daughter is growing and that's why she is feeling hungry very much.

Everyone get to know about their relationship that it's more than a friendship, but for Nandini it's friendship because Prit didn't propose her, and Nandini didn't wanted all this things all of sudden, because she is happy with him in his friendship,  and according to her if he will feel like to propose her then she will also tell her feelings for him, there is nothing to pressurized in everything.

Looking at her Some girls looked at her disgustingly and some boys started to not to talk with her, but Nandini didn't mind it at all because now she is happy with him.
So nothing matters to her.

She daily talked with him in whatsapp, he also talked with her, sometimes she waited for him but he didn't came to talk to her, she didn't mind it at all because she thought that he might be busy in his studies. All things are going very smooth in her life.

So how's the chapter guys?

My luvy duby and silent readers please give comments and votes if you like my book.

Take care.
Bye bye.
Stay safe.

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