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Nandini get her ready herself for going school, she didn't attend tuition classes because there is everyone means Prit and her friends and she didn't wanted to face him after this incident, she also didn't wanted to go school but just because of helping Juhi dii she is going school.

She reached her school with her father, her father dropped her and left from there, she entered in her class but there was no smile in her face, her face is looking gloomy... , eyes are puffy, She is not brightening like everyday. Shehzada saw her face and think to enlighten her mood and he said -- hii cutipiee....

Nandini just gave him a faint smile and placed her bag on her banch.

Are you OK... -- Shehzada asked while feeling concerned.

Yeah I'm... -- Nandini said.

Oh... Good, do you want to eat chocolate? -- Shehzada asked.

No. You eat... -- Nandini said.

Are today is my birthday... -- Shehzada said, he intentionally lied to her.

Oh... Happy birthday... Many many happy returns of the day... -- Nandini said and smiled at him, her mood is off but she is showing fake smile to him.

thank you... Thank you.... Now have this... -- Shehzada said and forwarded chocolate to her.

Thank you... You also eat... -- Nandini said and unwrapped the chocolate and give him a piece of that but Shehzada said -- aaaahh... Made me eat...

Nandini smiled at him and put one piece of chocolate in his mouth.

Some girls saw that and make again disgusted face, they are murmuring under her breath don't know what, Rehan is seeing that scene but didn't said anything, and he left from there Suneha didn't come yet and Nandini is waiting for her.

Shehzada talked with her for some more time and tried to make her laugh, but Nandini mood is not at that stage to laugh and smiled, she needs time to heal her wounds, she is not physically hurted but her heart is hurted which is more unbearable then that  and which need time to heal.

You know your dimples maked your smile more beautiful.... -- Shehzada said to her.

Thank you.... -- Nandini smiled at him hearing his compliment.

For the first time of my life I saw a girl crying for someone, I was shocked after seeing you in that state and I didn't imagine you in my dreams that you will cry for anyone...  And truly I did not like your crying face -- shehzada said to her.

It was a emotion which came out yesterday and it will remain like this..for my lifetime... -- Nandini said sadly.

Move on Nandini, life is very big.. And numerous people are here to love there close ones and special ones -- Shehzada said .

It's not easy for me Shehzada....  It's a easy word but in reality it's a more painful word, I know I'm talking very deeply.. But it's the truth, and for me it's a impossible for me to move on.. Because he has already created a space in my heart -- Nandini said to him.

But what if someone loves you more than he love anything in this world? -- shehzada asked and there is also hidden meaning but Nandini didn't understand.

No it's not possible for me to love him back because my heart belongs to him only and it's not possible to love anyone when they have already one person in their life -- Nandini said.

But what if that person don't want you in his life, then can you still love him?? -- Shehzada asked.

I'm loving him truly from my side ,and it's my own emotions and I'm not accepting that he will love me back because in love there is no acceptation... -- Nandini said to him.

Humm... - he just hummed.

Both talked for some more time about this and bell rang for their prayer, and they headed towards ground for doing prayer.

So how's the chapter guys??

My luvy duby and silent readers please give comments and votes if you like my book.

Take care.
Bye bye.
As long.

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