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After 7 months

Nandini is happy, her life is going smooth like oil, she is indeed happy because her love is with her, yes she give him one more chance to their relationship, both are living with each other in good manner, he didn't cheat her in this months, or may be he is cheating her behind her back but in front of Nandini he always act like a good boy with pure character but what he really is?

Her friend and her di is also happy but in their mind there is still a question that why is behaving good all of sudden, but they didn't said anything to Nandini because they are happy after seeing Nandini in happiness.

Prit meet her daily in the evening when Nandini left from her tuition, he talked with her while walking in the road with her, Nandini is enjoying her each seconds with him... Nandini birthday was in last week but Prit didn't wish her because he
Didn't knew about it, he apologized for this to  her, and our Nandini is very kind towards him, her heart, soul belongs to him, she felt sad that day because he didn't wish her but she didn't get angry on him, and at last she forget about it.

In these month Prit asked for a kiss but Nandini didn't give him because she don't like to get physical in such a young age, her love didn't based on this, sometimes Prit get angry on that but again he behaved with her well , she felt bad for him because she didn't give what he want....

She is in her tuition waiting for him to come but rain started, she waited for half an hour and he came with an umbrella, she didn't has any umbrella so both have to go in one umbrella.

Nandini saw the weather is so sexy.....  -- Prit said.

Hmm... -- Nandini just hummed because she wanted to go home soon, it's already late and her mother will scold her for being late.

We should take this path.... -- Prit said.

No I'll gate late because it's long route...-- Nandini said.

We will go fast... Common... -- Prit said.

And at last Nandini nodded.

They both are going and they entered in route where everything is dark, may be cause of thunderstorm current get cut, Nandini is fearing because road is dark and there is no one in the road, but she didn't show her afraid side to him but suddenly prit grabbed her hand, and she said -- common we should go from there, I don't have time.

Wait Nandini -- Prit said.

Why? -- Nandini is not feeling any good vibe there.

Nandini.... I want to kiss you..... Give me permission... -- Prit said and leaned towards her for a kiss, but Nandini take a back steps because she is not ready for it, she stunned by his behavior, her mind is blank because of this, she is not thinking what to do and in between her thinking Prit again take a close steps towards her and grabbed her wait all if sudden and pecked her lips, she is in daze what happened just now,  she did not get any time to react on it, she is not believeing it, she is happy but at the same time sad,she didn't sad anything to him......

It's called love... Nandini....  Don't feel bad anything about it.. -- Prit said.

Nandini didn't said anything.. And started to take long steps because she just wanted to reach her home as soon as possible.

Prit left from there when she reached in her home, that day she just think about kiss
Which happened all of sudden, why she didn't feel good vibes in this kiss... Maybe it happened  all of sudden that's why...

So how's the chapter guys?

My luvy duby and silent readers please give comments and votes if you like my book.

Take care.
Bye bye.

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