Chap. IV: The Unknown Storm

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With several days that passed Y/n was still continuing his training with Victor, and Tanjiro as he felt that he was making hardly any progress. Do to the fact that, That man kept bothering him to no end. He would also constantly be meditating with Tanjiro, or training with Victor. Or sometimes even both.

On a side note Y/n and Sophi actually grow closer. Establishing the bond that they once shared as a family. Sophi even started to smile more, compared to her being sad. As Y/n didn't really have anymore reason to hate her. But still keeping his guard up against her. Because even if he started trusting her, he would still keep his distance from her. Do to the fact that sometimes the voice of That Man would constantly bother him. Forcing him to try and keep his cool.

... However that didn't mean that Y/n and Leon had yet to talk. As during those days. Y/n had yet to talk with him. As he stated that he didn't want to deal with him. Let alone have him close to him. Leon countless times tried to talk with him. To try and break the ice between them. But with the constant voice of that Man wringing throw his head, and Leon constant attempts at talking with him. It only infuriated Y/n to the point that he almost let That Man take over, and set him free against him.

That is until Victor had to steep in and separate the two of them.

Meanwhile as those days passed Y/n even felt some gratitude towards Nero for helping him during the time he had lost control. But even with all that he still felt a sense of anger towards him. Even if he didn't have a good reason to still hate him. He still wanted to fight him... 

.... And so.

-3rd POV: (Forests, 10:12 a.m.)

The scene opens up in a big luscious open area filled with nothing but tree's, accompanied by birds chirping across the branches, and the blowing of the wind.

As Blake is seen with a relaxed look on her face. As she was sitting on the grass underneath a tree. As Y/n is seen sleeping, as he used Blake's laps as a pillow.

As he slept she softly stroke his hair, and smiled feeling nothing but happy. As she had him all to her self for the moment.

-????: (????)

Meanwhile in a home filled with toy's. A small child with (H/c) is seen sleeping in a bed. As the door to the closed room is quickly kicked open, and a small girl quickly ran to the small child. She then get's close to the boy, and furiously started to shake him, with a smile across her face. "Hey! Wakey-wakey! Come on! Wake up!"

In the boy's perspective he slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the girl. But as he looked at her, the boy could not make out her face. But nonetheless he still acted friendly towards the girl. Almost like both of them had been friends since childhood. "You again? Why do you keep coming back here?" The boy said to the girl. As he scratched the back of his head, and gave a sigh.

The girl with such enthusiasm smiled at the boy. "Hey come on sleepy head! You have to come out and play! You can't just stay in your room forever!" The girl said as she grabbed the boy by his arms, and started to leave the room.

As she pulled him downstairs. All the boy could make out was her Dark brown hair. The girl quickly ran passed the boy's parent. As the dad simply kept reading his newspapers, with the mother simply continued to cock some food.

The mother with her face distorted then responded to the two children. "Don't run you two!" She said in a worried tone. As she then let out a sigh. She then turned her attention at her husband.

But the father who also had his face distorted kept reading his newspaper. "Come on there only kinds. Let them have fun. It's not everyday he goes out." The father said as he smiled back at her.

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