Chap. XI: The Infernal Confrontation

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{A/N: OKAY! Here it is to everyone that have been expecting this next chapter. It took a while to finish this since it has more then 23,000 words. But here you have it.}

~{3rd POV: Kuo Kuana: City Square, (5:56 p.m)}~

We open up to the city slowly being attacked by Grimm, and flames raging on. Among the hordes of people could be seen trying to escape, while other Faunus, and bounty Hunters tried desperately to lead them to safety, while others tried to help them escape.

Meanwhile, from outside of the Belladonna Household, (Y/n) and his team could all be seen, with weapons drawn looking at the root that started the attack.

Meanwhile, from outside of the Belladonna Household, (Y/n) and his team could all be seen, with weapons drawn looking at the root that started the attack

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As the group stared at the monstrous form of Adam. Adam couldn't help but smile at the person he was searching for. He couldn't help but smile. A smile that emanated both pure hatred, and happiness. To him all he wanted was revenge, and know that opportunity was staring at him. This time he wasn't going to let it go to waste. No one was going to stop him.

And so he spread his arms apart, and with an invitational smile he gazed back at him. He gazed back (Y/n).


"Tch. Croix, Mia, Blake stay on guard!" (Y/n) spoke as everyone then prepared to face the mosnter that stood in front of them.


As they prepared to face him. Adam looks at the rest of (Y/n)'s friend's. He then snickered to himself.

"WILL YOU LOOK AT THAT! YOU MADE SOME FRIENDS! TO BAD THAT I'M NOT HERE FOR THEM!" He said never losing that same smile. He thought to himself as he gazed back at Blake and (Y/n)'s team. And so after a moment he had a great idea. "THAT'S IT! HEY, (Y/N)! LET ME SHOW YOU MY OWN FRIENDS!"

While everyone stayed on guard, Adam open up his mouth far beyond the jaw line and with his normal arm reached inside. While mostly everyone was disgusted at what he was doing, Adam without a care in the world took out a large crystal. He waved the crystal at the rest of the group, as the horde of Grimm's all simultaneously came to a stop, which everyone found suspicious. Adam then shattered the crystal , which did nothing at first.

Ghira and Kali on the other hand kept on trying to make sense Adam's new monstrous look. But before they could say anything two objects at great speed crash land besides Adam's side, which then covered the area in a cloud of smoke. When the smoke started to get carried away by the wind, everyone's eyes widen as they noticed what Adam had done.

"That doesn't look good." Croix said almost in a comical tone.

"You have got to be kidding me." Blake responds after him.

"Um that looks bad." This time said Mia as she stared in front of her with Luna at her side.

When the smoke cleared two things stood next to Adam.

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