Chap. IX: Meeting With The Belladonna

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~{3rd POV: Nero's Dorm, (8:50 am)}~

We see as the sun's rays start emanating across window of the room. The sound of bird's chirping is heard, before we then see Nero covered by his bed sheets, all the while tossing and turning not wanting to wake up.

"Partner time to wake up." Zaruba said trying his best to wake up his partner. "Just because it's your day off. That doesn't mean you can start slacking off on your training."

Nero repeatedly moved, before then seating on his bed. He yawns, before letting his eyes get adjusted to the slight darkness in the room. "What time is it?"

"Can't say. I'm just a ring remember."

"Ah, right."

~{Nero's POV}~

As I glanced across my room, I couldn't help but worry over when my brother was going to come back. Truth be told I was already starting to get worried.... I let out a sigh, before my gaze fell to a person that was next to me covered in my sheets. I smiled thinking of only one person.

"Hey, Ruby come on time to wake up."

I said trying to wake her up. It was only after taking the bed sheets off of her, that my eyes widen as I noticed that it wasn't Ruby. No, it was Emily one of my new teammates in my bed and completely naked.


~{3rd POV}~

As Nero quickly backed himself to the wall. Teresa slowly woke up and yawn, she then turns to look at Nero, and exposing her body to him.

"Good morning cutey."

She said in an almost teasing tone. Nero seat their, trying his best to look away from her body. He only had eyes for one girl at that was Ruby.

"W-W-When did you get in h-h-here, Teresa?"

He stuttered with trembling hands, and a face that was as red as a tomato. Teresa giggled before leaning in, pressing her face close to his.

"Hey, come on you can look. After all what Ruby doesn't know, won't hurt her."

"Not happening." He shock his head and responded again while still looking away from her. "P-P-Please just put your clothes back on."

"Oh, come on cutey, don't be like that. After all doesn't your younger brother have other girls with him?"

She said pacing her finger across his shirt, and up to his lips.

"How did you?" He said trying to understand as to how did she new that. But not wanting to look at her, he quickly looked away again. "Look will talk later. Just please leave. I only have eyes for one girl, and that is Ruby."


For a brief moment a look of annoyance could be seen on her face. And so before Nero could even react, his hands were already tied behind his back. He had no idea how she'd done it so fast, or what she'd tied his arms with. But one thing was certain, he was at her mercy. She let's out a sigh before then slowly pacing her finger across his lips.

"Teresa! Let me go!" 

He said in a much more series tone, and glared at her.

"I tried doing this the easy way, but you didn't let me." She laughed as she kept ogling at Nero's body. "My just look at you. All defenseless and at my mercy." She licks the side of her lips. "I love it."

Zaruba trying to say something, couldn't do to the fact he had his face also covered. Teresa not wasting time, slowly laid Nero on his bed, facing the ceiling. She then laid on top of him with a warm smile on her face. She swirled her finger around his lip and down his shirt.

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