004. im screwed

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"I'm having a shower first." Jack called out as soon as the band boarded their tour bus after their show in dallas.
"Oh, come on, man." corbyn sighed, "you literally take forever."
"I called dibs." Jack replied, rushing over to his bunk and grabbing his towel.
"Well, I'm going to get food then." jonah said to the others
"I'll come with you," daniel said, grabbing his jacket
"Me too," corbyn replied as he followed them out of the bus. "zach?"
"Nah, I'll just stay here, thanks, though," he yawned
"All right then,"
the three guys left, shutting the door to the bus.

about half an hour later, Jack stepped out of the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel and turning to zach, who was sitting on the couch staring at his phone.
"Are you okay? you look like you've seen a ghost." he asked
zach didn't respond and stayed staring at his phone.
jack picked zachs phone out of his hand and turned it to see what he was looking at.
"Oh shit,"


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"Is that rory, as in corbyns little sister rory?" he asked, scrolling further up the chat.
"Oh my god, I'm screwed." zach groaned, running his hands through his hair. "I don't know what to do."
"You need to talk to her first. You've ignored her for three weeks," Jack said, handing zach his phone back.
"I will, at the show in la. she'll be there, won't she?"
"You can't ignore her for two months zach thats like the worst thing you could do."
"I don't know what to do." zach sighed
"repeating 'I don't know what to do' isn't gonna help anything." Jack said.
he pulled himself up onto his bunk and lay down.
"What did you do?"
"we sat down and talked about it, like adults."
zach got up and walked towards the bathroom, grabbing his towel on the way.
"fuck" he mumbled.

zach couldn't sleep much that night, he kept tossing and turning, reliving the night of the party and the following days over and over again in his head.
he was sure that him and rory had used protection that night, although his memory was hazy. he drafted up a long list of replies to her text, none of them being just right to send.

he looked at the time on his phone. 11:42pm
he jumped down from his bunk and picked up his jacket that he had left on the couch earlier, along with his phone.
"zach what the fuck are you doing?" daniel hissed, poking his head out from behind the curtain that was covering his bed.
"im going to talk to my dad." zach responded, stepping out of the bus and making sure he locked the door behind him.

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