006. go fuck himself

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"I can't fucking believe him." rory scoffed. she was aggressively cleaning the kitchen counter whilst ranting about zach to lera, who was sat at the kitchen island watching her and listening to her yell. "he just ignores me for weeks and then sends an 'apology' saying he's there for me! and it didn't even sound like him."
lera nodded slowly, sipping the coffee she had in front of her.
"rory, you've cleaned the kitchen three times now-" lera started.
"he's stressing me out!" rory snapped, immediately feeling bad. it wasn't leras fault that zach was acting the way he was. "I'm sorry, I'm just so fucking emotional at the minute and he's really not helping." she sniffed, suddenly aware of tears welling in her eyes.
"I know, but please just sit down for a moment."
rory tossed the cloth she was using to clean into the sink, stomped over to the couch and and flung herself down on it, tucking her feet underneath her.
"I don't know what to do, lera." she groaned, holding her head in her hands.
"well, do you like him? I know your not good at communicating things like that with people." lera said, hopping off the barstool she was on and coming to sit next to rory.
"I do. I really do, and I thought he liked me back. he made the first move for fuck sake." she threw her hands in the air out of frustration and stood up again. "you know what, fuck him. I'm doing this on my own. actually, not fuck him, thats what got me into this goddam mess, he can go fuck himself."
she stormed up the stairs and too her room, slamming her door behind her and falling onto her bed.
she was crying at this point. tears rolled from the corners of her eyes and fell into her ears, making her shiver. she sniffed, rolling onto her side and opening up the drawer beside her bed.
"you idiot." she muttered to herself, holding the three different pregnancy tests she had taken. all of them showing strong positives.
as she went to put them back she noticed a piece of paper, torn from the corner of a notebook. slowly  she lifted it away from the mess in the drawer, being careful so she didn't rip it. she recalled the moment zach had met her backstage after one of the bands shows about a year and a half ago.

"zach, where are you going?!" daniel called after the youngest member of the band as he ran down a hallway backstage.
"bathroom!" He shouted back as he disappeared. "I'll be back in like two minutes!"
he had lied, of course. he was secretly going to see rory, who had slipped away unnoticed right before the end of the show and hidden herself in an unused dressing room.
he approached the door, quickly looking around to make sure no one saw him before slipping inside and locking it behind him.
the minute the door was locked, the pair were attached at the lips in a frantic, desperate kiss.
"you looked so goddam hot out there tonight." rory murmured, moving one of her hands to the button of the front of zachs pants.
he quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand away, breaking the kiss for a moment so he could speak.
"rory, no." his voice was stern, yet somehow still soft.
"please." rory whined, kissing along zachs jawline.
"you're too young." zach shook his head
"stop saying that." she moved her lips back up to zachs face and kissed him again.
"I just want you to understand that what we do behind everyone's backs is wrong." zach said, pulling away after a short while.
"I'm nearly seventeen, that's practically eighteen anyway." rory shrugged. she placed her hands on his shoulders, ready to kiss him again but he shrugged her arms of and stepped back.
"rory, your birthday is six months away, and then the month after that I turn twenty-one." he pointed out.
"okay but..." rorys voice wavered off, she didn't really know what she was going to say.
"but what?" zach raised one eyebrow, looking down at her
"I'm mature for my age." she frowned. it wouldn't work. she'd said it so many times before and zach always gave the same response.
"don't start that shit." he scoffed, rolling his eyes.
there was a pause, rory and zach stood there looking at eachother for what felt like an eternity before rory finally spoke up.
"why don't you want me?" she whispered, her voice cracking as she fought to blink back tears.
"I do want you. I want you so bad, but I need you to understand that whatever this is between us is risking everything. if someone catches us I could lose my place in the band, my singing career, my friendship with your brother, even." he sighed, resting his hand against her cheek and wiping away the tear that had slipped.
"your acting like it's illegal for us to have sex. its not, by the way, I looked it up." rory sniffed.
"it's not?" zach raised one of his eyebrows.
"nope, just... frowned upon? just once, zach, and then we can stop whatever were doing."
"your first time should be with someone you trust, rory"
"I trust you, zach. I love you."
"fuck it." he dug in his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, a ripped off corner of a page. "meet me tonight. don't let anyone see you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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