002. were done

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rory woke up to her head pounding as the sun shone through a gap her curtains.
"Jesus christ," she mumbled, sitting up. She rubbed her neck and yawned. "How did I get to my room?" She asked herself.
The blonde girl walked over to the mirror in her bathroom and nearly screamed when she saw her neck. A deep purple bruise was visible, and it suddenly all came back to her. The party, drinking, and zach.
"Shit," she mumbled,
"rory?" zach asked, walking into her room. "Your brother sai-"
"You gave me a fucking hickey!" She exclaimed, stepping out of the bathroom and revealing it to him.
He stepped back and bit his lip. "Shit, what are you gonna tell corbyn?" he asked.
"That I burnt myself with my curling iron, Im gonna keep a bandage over it." She answered, setting out her curling iron and a box of bandages.
"Hey guys, whats going on in here?" corbyn asked from the doorway.
"Im helping rory, she burnt herself with her curling iron and can't place the bandage correctly." zach lied, grabbing one of the bandages.
"Oh, okay. Well breakfast is ready." corbyn replied, walking out of the room.
rory shook her head. "He's gonna find out zach. Sooner or later the truth is gonna come out." She said. "And when that happens not only is he gonna hate me but he's gonna hate you too." She said.
"You're gonna lose your bestfriend because we slept together.. Im going to ruin your friendship..this is all my fault." rory said.
"rory, you can't blame yourself. We made the decision together. I initiated it. I'm to blame too." zach replied.
"I don't want you to lose your bestfriend because of me." rory said.
"It would be worth it if it meant I got to be with you." zach replied.
"I don't wanna hurt my brother. We can't do this anymore. Nothing else can happen between us, zach." rory said covering up the hickey.
"What are you saying?" he asked.
"Im saying its over. We're done." rory answered, wiping her eyes.
zach lightly bit his lip. "Fine, if thats what you want." He replied, walking to her door.
"I didn't want it to end. But I see that you did." He said before walking out of her room.
rory wiped her eyes as she tried to stop more from coating her cheeks. She may have just lost the person she cared about most.
"What am I supposed to do now?" She whispered to herself.

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