Chapter 7

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Dimitri Point of View:

3 Weeks later:

It's been almost 3 weeks now, I barely talk to her only in training when necessary. I know it is my fault and I should believe her. Three weeks without hanging out like a couple in the gym, kissing her, the conversations with her, not training related. Now, I give her my Guardian mask, and say what she should do. And oh, sometimes it isn't easy, we almost have our little moments, I don't want but at the same time, I want them so badly.


"You did your 13 laps, now stretching, you know how."

"No staking, sparring with you and learning new moves?" 

About staking, what could go wrong when she's staking dummies? Sparring with me, no way I would let that happen, but I'm talking about Rose Hathaway, she would wait until someone does something, then she would beat the shit out of him. Taking Lissa's darkness, literally searching for a fight, with the darkness, there are the pregnancy hormones, could end badly. New moves, are there moves she doesn't know yet? Teaching her them now?

"Staking, you know how, after one staked dummie you would be annoyed. Sparring, no way Rose, other moves, okay. Be careful!" I sighed lightly, even though it's a move she probably knows already.

After a while she tries out the move, with one foot she kicks my lower leg from behind and with the other she kicks the fibula, not hard enough to hurt me seriously but enough to get me to the ground because I didn't expected that from her now that she's pregnant, and that's the easiest move to do. I am still in my thoughts when she was already half on top of me, quickly putting her arm under my neck, pushing my right arm under her leg and my face nearer to her belly. I touch her belly already with my forehead because of this move, definitely too near. Rose slings her leg around, her other leg with my arm still tucked under. I really try to get out of this, but my Roza has a force in her, as we are so near again I can't help but hold my breath, like she does  too, for a second, before she speaks.

"So.. uh you have any other moves you wanna show me?"  

I want to, so much, but not training related. I sense she wants too, at least kissing me, but it didn't happen.

Flashback End

It's already past curfew, everyone should be in their room, I'm off tonight but I can't sleep, I really need to talk to her. Gladly the Guardians are allowed to leave their dorms. What if this Moroi in the girl novices dorm sees me, what would be my excuse? Patrolling there as an excuse, could work.

I make my way to the girls dorm, without getting caught. I'm pretty good at this I think. Still hearing noises from her room, I knock and hope she would open and let me in. And she did, yet she looks confused to see me at curfew, sneaking to her dorm. She lets me in and closes the door behind me.

"Did you get lost?" she asks, clearly trying to make this situation comfortable.

"I want to talk to you Rose, and no, it can't wait until our next training session."

"Then talk?" At least she isn't throwing me out, yet maybe, even if her answers are shorter than usually. But how should I start now? I look at her, for the first time in almost three weeks I let my Guardian mask fall, and showing her my emotions.

"I'm so sorry" I start "I'm an idiot, I said terrible things, I can't take them back anymore. And you sleeping with some random Moroi, it was awful of me saying this."

"Yes you are. Dimitri, this was not only awful, you know. It embarrassed me to hell, hearing you saying I'm literally a slut, it was heartbreaking. You, from all people, should know that I'm not this kind of person. Remember the gossip with Ralf and Jesse? You were the one who told me I'm not that kind of person. I now had sex in my life once, with the man I love, and he loves me, wait, at least I thought he does. Suddenly I'm a slut according to this man!" She's furious, I know I deserve all the anger.

"But I do. I do love you Roza"

"Don't Roza me for God's Sake. Do you believe me? Dimitri, tell me honestly, do you believe me?"

Tough question, I believe her now that she didn't slept with anyone else, but I still can't believe that she's pregnant, from a Dhampir, though Dr. Olendski confirmed the pregnancy.

"I believe you, even if it's impossible."

"Thank you! I should congratulate you, since you're finally accepting getting a dad." she finally managed to smile a little bit "Took you long enough Comrade."

Instead of saying anything I pull her closer to me, wanting to place my lips on hers as she spoke.

"What are you doing?"

"Kissing you, Roza."

"I'd love th--"  I cut her off by finally embracing her after three long weeks. I lift her up to my waist and she slings her legs around, finding the way to bed with her on my waist and keep kissing my woman. We lay down and every kiss got hungrier. After a time she pulls away, and looks deep in my eyes. I should mark this in my calendar, usually she doesn't pull away.

"You really are happy about this mini version of us?" pointing to her bump. "You know I would love to make out with you, more than know, but we should talk. There is a lot that you don't know about." 

"What is it?" I ask her, wondering what would be up now, do we have problems? Do I need to quit?

"Alberta knows, let's get this straight, at first I said I wouldn't tell anyone who's the father, we talked about graduation, if it's possible, guess what, I had an outburst, nothing she couldn't handle, but I occasionally spit out a bit, she counted two and two together, Tada, she would have won the bet if there would have been one."

"There is one in the Guardian lounge." Now I'm the one who spit out something.

"There is what? A bet 'who knocked Rose up'? Hilarious.. guardians also need to have fun.. on my behalf! We write a new song, Cindy Lauper is wrong, not 'Girls just wanna have fun, but Guards just wanna have fun'"

"Now I know why Alberta only wrote a 'D' on the ballot paper." I look her in disbelief "You actually know a song before you were born? From my crappy music?" She's ignoring this question, who wonders.

"She won." she smiles at me even tough this bet in our lounge isn't funny at all, I'll remove this tomorrow. "And you, what did you wrote? Careful, I notice when you are lying."

"I guess I won. I wrote 'Comrade' on the ballot paper. At this time I still didn't believed you, but I had this feeling."

"Are you insane? They know that my nickname for you is Comrade. A few, when not even all of them heard me calling you Comrade." Rose cuddles to my chest and looks up at me "In fact, you won, the main prize."

I nod and lower my head to kiss her forehead. "Is there something else?"

"What did Stan bet? Should I be prepared to kick his ass when I graduate?" Oh God, I know she would ask me about Stan, but this, I don't want to answer. Not today, not tomorrow, never. She should kick his ass right away.

"Should I stay here or sneak back to my room?"

"Do I need to kick YOUR ass too?"

"Fine, he wrote 3 names." Her eyes widened, I can see she's fuming, I know Rose hates Guardian Alto, but now, she totally despises him, when gazes could kill, he would be dead. I got one 'My gaze can kill you right on spot' once, never again.

"Do I want to know who?" I need to say that she gained a lot of self control, not as much as I have, but for her it's impressive.

"Rather not."

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