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Minho pov

It had been a while since I had gone to the nearby store, so I decided to go there to buy some snacks for myself.

"Hey minnie, wanna go to the store today with me?"
I asked Seungmin.

"Sorry hyung I can't cuz I've some extra classes rn"
"Oh it's okayyy I'll go alone then :(("
He giggled.

"Hey, why don't you go with Jongho-"
"He isn't going either nevermind"

"Okay then, see ya" he then left me at the gate.

I sighed and grabbed my bag.
Then I walked to the store.

I didn't have that much money with me, maybe I could only buy some chips and so on.

After a while I reached there and entered.

There were other students too lol.

I then gradually started grabbing stuffs that caught my eye, even though I didn't have that much money.
I sighed and put them back.

Then someone caught my eye. it was Hyunjin.

He was also buying some snacks but why did it feel like he was stealing them? Ah nevermind.

Then he put them in his bag and didn't go to the cash counter. He was stealing.

I went to him and blocked his way.

"Why are you stealing things from here?" I asked plainly.

"Get out of my way.."
"Well, no. Give the bag to me"

He nodded a no but I grabbed it anyways.

Then I grabbed the things he was gonna steal and went to the cash counter.

Probably.. he didn't have money.

I then bought the things for him with my own money idk why I did that but nevermind.

Then I went to him and gave him the things.

"Now go home."
He rolled his eyes.
I sighed and took his hand and went out of there.

"Hey wtf"
"You know stealing is bad, why were you stealing?"

"Lol, I don't have money duh"
I sighed.

"Now go home and ask your mom for money without stealing smth"

"She won't give me anyways."

Kinda knew it.
"Why did you spend your money buying these? I have to pay you back now"

"You don't need to pay me back don't worry, just take these."
"But do you steal often?" I asked again.

He nodded a yes.
"Don't steal anything again, it's bad"

It suddenly became cloudy.

"Its gonna rain ig" he said
"Yeah, do you have an umbrella rn?"
He nodded a no

I sighed.
"Well, unfortunately, i have one anyways"
"Why is it 'unfortunately' though"

"Cuz I have to take you with me i guess?" I said.

"Tch, no one asked. Go tf away and thanks for the things"

I rolled my eyes.
"You'll catch a cold let's go"

He looked at me and pouted.
I chuckled lol

"Hehe let's go"
It started raining then.

"Lemme hold the umbrella cuz you're shOrT"

"Shut up my height is perfect"
He grabbed the umbrella from me.

"You're just too tall yk"
"Girls love my height stfu lol"

I rolled my eyes and we started for home.

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