Phantom Presence

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[The picture of Sir Ian McKellen at the top is basically how I imagined for Gerdian to look like, hehe] 

ACHIEVEMENT: Thank you for bringing this story to #218 on the Fantasy list, on 20.3.2015! It's very much appreciated :D 

Chapter Twenty Three: Phantom Presence

STATUS: Not edited.

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” 
― W.B. Yeats

''H-how...?'' I stammered as I comprehended Gerdian's words,''H-how do you kn-'' 

''GERDIAN!'' the booming voice caused for the grin of the beaming man before me, to hang unsurely on his lips, and the sound of the door slamming open interrupted my words. 

A stout, aging lady with dark brown skin that stretched across his figure, and was scarcely visible beneath the numerous tattoos that sprawled across it, came storming in. Her eyes were the same earthy, yet orange color of the autumn leaves.

She threw a dirty look at the fire raging around the room before she narrowed her eyes at Gerdian. ''You-'' she spoke in a highly more preferred octave than she had been on before, as she waggled her finger at him, ''This is the second time you have reduced one of my room to ashes, and disturbed my guests stay!''

''Corolla, it's lovely to see you, too.'' 

''GERDIAN, I WILL- oh! Eres Nyle! I apologize, I hadn't seen you there,'' the woman bowed before she cleared her throat, and her features smoothed over.

Nyle regarded her for a second, before he nodded at her. ''Hello, Corolla, I apologize for his behaviour.'' He glanced at the fire and it immediately went out, leaving nothing behind; not even any smoke. Everything had reverted to its original state.

Corolla dragged her gaze across the room, and she seemed relieved at the sight before her. I frowned when I noticed something bizarre about her gaze.

''She looked right past you...'' Valentina murmured, the tone of her voice depicted how puzzled she was.

''Thank you, sire,'' the lady bowed once again, ''Would you like to have anything at all? Anything to drink, eat? Maybe a place to stay?'' 

''No, thank you.'' 

''What about you, Gerdian?'' she asked, making her words sound more like an obligation, than a question.

''Yes, I would lik-'' 

''I apologize for intruding, Eres Nyle. I shall be taking my leave now.'' 

''There's no need for any apologies, Corolla. I send my blessings to your family and business.'' 

''Wait, but I wan-''

The short lady's cheeks reddened and her eyes widened as she gawked for a second before she composed herself, and her words tore right into Gerdian's words and reduced him to grumbles. ''Oh, thank you, sire! It is such an hono-'' 

''He knows, go now.'' 

''Can she not see you, or...? Is she purposly ignoring you?'' 

Corolla narrowed her eyes at Gerdian, before she bowed once again at Nyle and made her way to the door. ''Then, I shall be leaving you two here,'' she said, ''I thank you once again, your highness.''

 ''Your gratitude is appreciated,'' Nyle spoke so formally and in such a regal -yet blank- tone, that I almost couldn't believe that he was the same guy who asked me why humans 'waltz', ''Farewell.''

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