Chapter 2: Celeste

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"You're going to break it!"

"Maria, leave me alone. No I'm not." I lightly shoved my younger sister away, rapidly hitting the refresh button on my internet browser. They told me they'd have a final answer by the end of day today since all of the candidates will have gone through the interview process.

"Look, give me the laptop and I'll tell you when you get a new email." Maria took the laptop from my deathgrip, holding it high above her head and out of reach from where I was sitting cross-legged on the couch.


"Why is this internship so important to you anyway?" Maria curled a long dark strand of hair around her finger. She was only eleven. She didn't understand the concept of wanting an elite Public Relations internship because it very well could make or break my career. Okay, a bit dramatic. But that's how badly I wanted it.

"Because, I want a career in PR. And this firm is like the top place to be. The fact that I even got an interview is insane since I'm only in my second year of college but now I just want it so bad I can almost taste it."

"Ew, what does it taste like?" Maria wrinkled her nose.

"It's an expression, pequeña."

I stood up from the couch and started to pace. If I got this internship, I'd be able to live in Los Angeles for the summer. The last three years have definitely been easier than the rest of my life, thanks to my brother Nico's winning streak as a professional fighter. We no longer had to scrounge for food or worry if our temporary housing was going to kick us out. We had safety, security, even excess. And having that space, having that buffer between living day to day and being able to actually plan for the future made me see my life differently. I wanted to find my own version of my brother's success. I wanted to carve out a path for myself and pursue my dreams, regardless of how insane they may be, in the same dedicated way that he did--

"Celeste! You have an email!" Maria rushed over to me and I reached forward to grab the laptop before she did something truly catastrophic like drop the damn thing. I set it down on the kitchen counter, Maria perched on a stool behind me. Sure enough, there was a bolded black email from Elite Chemistry, the top PR firm on the West Coast. I stole a quick breath and clicked open, my heart pounding like a hummingbird in my chest.


Hi Celeste,

We are pleased to inform you that you've been selected for the summer internship program within the Talent Division of Elite Chemistry! Your start date will be...


I didn't even finish reading the email before I jumped up and down with excitement, picking Maria up from the kitchen barstool and twirling her around as she giggled.

"You got it?" She was slightly out of breath when I set her down, her hair all over the place.

"Yes! Holy shit, I got it."

"You said a bad word..."

"Whatever, it's okay this time." I ruffled the top of her silky head and dug my phone out of my purse to Facetime my brother. When Maria heard the digital ringing noise she came to stand beside me, always wanting to talk to Nico any chance she could get.

"Hey, what's up? Nothing bad I hope..." Nico's voice trailed off, scanning our faces for any sign of injury or calamity. I rolled my eyes in response, wondering when Nico would stop thinking that every phone call was to inform him that we'd somehow managed to burn down the apartment.

"No! It's good news, I--"

"She got the internship!" Maria blurted out before I could say it and I gave her a sassy look, but was honestly too excited to even care. Nico's tanned face lit up, a smile coming to his eyes. I could see and hear the gym behind him, faint thuds of punching bags and heavy weights being dropped. He wiped a towel down his face and over his hair.

"That's amazing, Celeste! I'm so proud of you." He walked over to a bench to sit down, grabbing an electrolyte drink along the way. "Where is it?"

My excitement started to morph slightly into nerves. I knew my brother wasn't going to be so keen on me moving out to Los Angeles for a few months alone but then again, he was always traveling across the states for his job so how could he really judge? "It's in LA and I start in a few weeks I think. I'm actually not sure, I didn't finish reading the email."

"Los Angeles?"

"No, Nico. LA as in Louisiana," I sighed, "yes, Los Angeles." Nico just nodded and the silence was a bit awkward.

"Can I go?" Maria grabbed the phone from me, her toothy smile way too close to the camera.

"Nah, I think you'll have to stay in Boston and look after Rosie, right?" Rosie was our pseudo family member, someone we'd known since our foster care days who now helped watch Maria when I was in class and Nico was on the road. Maria looked thoughtfully into the phone with the gravity of an adult taking responsibility.

"I suppose you're right, Nico. I don't want Rosie to get lonely."

"Good thinking, kid. Hey Celeste? Let me talk to a few of the guys around here, maybe ask Ava too if they know of any good places or roommates to set you up with in LA." Nico's voice was strong and reassuring, his support sending warmth through me. He was overbearing and protective, but he had also saved me from so much. Provided me with everything. I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes and just nodded in response at the screen, too much emotion clogging my throat.

"Alright, I gotta get back to it. Rhett and Coach Barry are yelling at me to get my ass back in the training ring."

"You said a bad word! You both said a bad word." Maria crossed her arms over her chest, a glint of mischief in her eyes. She was hardly a rule-follower, she just wanted permission to curse herself when she saw us doing it. She was going to be a riot of a teenager...

"My bad, my bad." Nico laughed, standing up from the bench, "You too do something fun tonight to celebrate. I'll check in soon."

"I love you!" Maria sing-songed to Nico and blew him a kiss before ending the FaceTime.

"Can we order pizza?" Maria stood on her tiptoes, batting her dark lashes at me.

"I'm pretty sure I was the one who just landed the competitive internship, don't I get to choose dinner?" I laughed, feeling so excited like I could go on a run or go dancing. Food was the furthest thing from my mind.

I sat back at the kitchen counter, reading through the rest of the email. This internship was going to be life-changing. Elite Chemistry did PR for some of the biggest brands and celebrities in the world. I would be working in their talent division, managing PR for some bigwig celebrity. I mean, to be honest I'd probably be doing a fair amount of coffee runs and note-taking but still! I'd be up close and personal, a front-row seat to all the action. I navigated to the company website for the millionth time, scrolling through their impressive roster of clients. What if I got some really famous singer? Or an actor? I worked my ass off in school to keep my grades high as well as led the Latinx PR and Marketing Council for undergraduate students. I was hungry to excel under pressure, to deliver on insane demands, to travel and to see the world. To make a name for myself: Celeste Chavez, PR Legend.

I went into my bedroom to change. I didn't live on campus since it was easier with Maria to just live at the apartment which was close to my college's campus anyway, but one of my best friends lived at the dorms on campus. I sent her a quick text, letting her know that I had some exciting news and that I'd be over in thirty. Just as I finished brushing out my long hair, I heard Maria's trademark squeal as Rosie came in through the front door.

"Hey Rosie," I smiled, putting a tube of lipgloss in my purse.

"Congratulations, bonita. Maria told me you got an internship!" Rosie kissed me on the cheek and she smiled. Neither of us ever thought we'd be here, in an apartment like this, getting to talk about exciting opportunities like summer internships.

"Yes, I'm so excited! I'm going to go see my friends but I'll be back in a few hours," I reached for the door, turning back to wink at Maria, "and order pizza for dinner."

I walked out the front door, the cool evening air hitting my tanned cheeks, my body feeling energized and alive. This was really and truly happening. In a few weeks, I'd be in sunny Los Angeles, getting assigned to a PR team for some mega famous client. My life as a professional adult was truly about to begin.

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