Chapter 4

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The walk to Sebastian's house is short and quick. As I walk through the street, the bright sunlight that gently falls over my olive skin feels warm and surprisingly calming. Fortunately, I found a mint gum in the pocket of my jeans, and I didn't take long before unwrapping it and tossing it in my mouth.

I have no idea about how long it has been there, nonetheless, I kept chewing it until every last bit of the taste is gone. The minty flavor with a hint of sweetness lingers in my mouth even when I spit it out in the bin outside his house. I turn the knob of the door, and nonchalantly walk into his house.

The inside is still dark and his things are spilled all over the place. When I walk through the hallway into the room on the left of the open kitchen, the tele in it is still playing and the dirty dishes are stacked over the wooden table that lies in the middle of the couches. My nose scrunches up due to the stench.

Exhaling a deep breath out of annoyance, I paced to the window and drew the curtains so the light could come in and wash over the place.

After switching off the tele, I look around for the one and only; Sebastian, who isn't anywhere to be seen. That is when an incredibly wicked idea flashes through my brain. Just the thought of it gives me a good fit of laughter.

Already knowing that Seb is most likely sleeping in his room upstairs, I silently stride to the kitchen, trying my best not to trip over the piles of clothes and assignments scattered over the tiled floor. Then fill a cup, which I might add is the only clean crockery in the stand, with chilled water and ice cubes, and stroll to his room.

I climb the stairs slowly, so the water doesn't splatters over the carpet that lies on top of them. Upon reaching the door to his room, I slowly open it trying not to make any sounds that can possibly wake him up, and tip toe across the room towards his bed.

In the center of the bed lying on his stomach, Seb peacefully sleeps. A little spark of pity flares inside me, but in no time malevolence takes the place of it.

Without a hint of hesitation, I hold the cup over his bare back and let the cold water flow out of it onto him. The rest happened in the blink of an eye. Cold water seeps into the bed, stealing the heat from his body just as fast as he scrambles out of the bed. His skin turns rough with goosebumps. The spasm of uncertainty that plays on his face cracks me up.

I can't.

Even though I try my best to suppress my giggling, I somehow end up bursting into loud laughter. I throw back my head, letting out a deep humorous laugh. Peals of delight burst from within. My cheeks turned red as my eyes brimmed with tears of mirth.

His face is soaked, the drops coming together to run into his eyes and drip from his chin. In seconds, Seb is out of bed, marching towards the restroom.

"You are going to pay for this, you little bitch" he shouts, his voice dripping with venom as I hear the shower turn on, and water spilling out. He looked like a drenched puppy.

I laugh hysterically, with tears running down my face. In an attempt to catch my breath, I cross my arms over my stomach and lay on the bed. It is still warm, except for the places that are wet. I get up from the bed, before spending a few more minutes chuckling like a maniac and taking in as much glee as I can from the moment.

I wish I had filmed that.

With my laughing buds satisfied, I wipe away the dried out tears and go downstairs to the kitchen. To my surprise, Seb takes a long time in the shower so I prepare him an egg sandwich with little things available in his fridge. He really needs to go grocery shopping.

"This is so not over, Sely." Sebastian says walking into the kitchen. If he thinks calling me by that name would ruin my mood, then he is wrong. He is dressed in a sky blue shirt with cargo shorts. He swiftly grabs the sandwich from my hand and starts to eat it. The little water drops tickle down the side of his neck on to his shirt. He takes a seat on the stool around the coffee table and puts his arms over it, looking at me with pure loath.

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