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"Mommy, can I have some candy?" Iris asked from the stool bar.

"Babe, did you saw my lense?" Jungkook yelled from his office room at the side of the house. "I'm doing that magazine shoot this morning! We'll be experimenting with shots and the fisheye lens might come in handy!" Jungkook shouted, sounding exasperated.

"Shouldn't it be with your equipment?" Chaeyoung kissed the top of Elio head as she finish brushed his hair, then he hopped off the arm of the sofa and hurried off into the kitchen to be with his twin sister.

"Mommy? Candy?" Chaeyoung heard her daughter still pleading.

"No, Iris" she followed Elio into the kitchen to find Iris clutching a mini bag of chewy candy. "Sweetheart, you already have a lot of candy yesterday, so it's a no for today. Eat your banana and yoghurt instead"

"I only have three candy yesterday" she pouted, lift her right hand with three fingers opened.

"No, mommy, I saw her eat four" Elio butted in.

"It's three!" She argued.

"It's four" he argued back.


Chaeyoung gritted her teeth at Jungkook's yelling as she plucked a banana from the fruit bowl and handed it to Iris. "Put back that bag of candy and stop argued with your brother while mommy help your dad"

Hurrying toward his office she thrust open the door to find him rummaging manically through a drawer. "Why isn't it with the rest of your stuff?" She asked.

"How should I know?" He frowned. "Every time you put something down in this house it takes a walk"

"Okay, calm down and think. When was the last time you used the fisheye?"

He ran a hand through his dark hair, even when he was uncharacteristically grumpy today it did nothing to detract from his masculine beauty.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "It's been a while."

"Was it for that article you did for the paper... about two weeks ago... you know the picture of-"

"You're a genius!" He pointed at her. "I gave the lens to Minghao that day and he didn't give me back yet" he closed the drawer. "I've got to go. I'll call Minghao and get him to bring the lens."

She had no idea who Minghao was but she nodded since it was getting her husband out of the house. The twins were due at school and she was due at work and she just needed him and his bad mood gone. He grabbed his equipment and gave her a peck on the lips as he passed. "See you later."

Following him out into the hall Chaeyoung watched as he dumped his equipment and hurried into the kitchen. Standing in the doorway she looked on as he lifted Iris up into the air making her giggle and squeal before he peppered her face with kisses that made her laugh harder. Once she was safely on her feet he turned to Elio and enfolded him in his arms, chasing his cheeks with kisses as he squirmed and laughed at his dad to get off of him. The sight made her chest ache with it's beauty.

"Bye twins. See you later." He flashed her a quick smile as he passed her and she tried to ignore the way the ache in her chest suddenly turned into a painful knot.

The door slammed shut behind him and she clapped her hands and grinned at her kids, covering her sour mood. "Time for school. First one to the door with their shoes, coat and school bag gets an extra bag of gummy bears."

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