Anniversary (part 2) (M)

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Walking up to the house in the dark of the early evening Chaeyoung stared at it in confusion. Usually the house was lit up when she came home from work. There was only a faint glow of light peeking out of the blinds that covered their front window.

Opening the front door she was immediately hit by the comforting heat and the delicious smell of Thai food. Her favorite. Maybe Jungkook felt bad for being all grumpy and jealous on the phone earlier. "I'm home!" She called out as she closed the door.

She was usually barraged with something along the lines of 'Mom! Elio stole my Barbie!' while said thief came running at her from wherever he was in the house.


"In here, beautiful"

Smiling at the compliment she shrugged out of her coat and shoes and followed the smells of divine food to the dining room. Her eyes widened at the sight before her. The room was lit with candlelight and there was a huge bunch of stunning red roses in a vase on the middle of the table. A table that was set up for dinner.

Jungkook stood by the table in his favorite jeans and a long sleeved black top that did nothing to hide his still muscular and trim physique. He was barefoot and relaxed and staring at her with a familiar heat in his eyes.

"Happy fifth Anniversary, babe"

She grinned, her stomach letting out a rumble at the sight of the Thai food. "Did someone remind you?"

He shook his head, mischief in his eyes. "I called my mom last week and asked her if she'd take the twins tonight. My parents picked up Iris and Elio this afternoon"

"But... you made it sound like you'd forgotten?"

He shrugged and laughed. "I was just messing with you" he strode toward her and grabbed a handful of her shirt to tug her to him and kiss her. His kiss was hot and deep and she instantly wrapped herself around him.

When they broke apart, he stared into her eyes and whispered, "I've missed you, Chae. I thought we could use some time alone"

And just like that the knot in her chest loosened completely. "I've missed you, too"


A few hours later Chaeyoung laid on their couch, her legs stretched out across his lap, while she sipped at the wine he'd just handed her before settling in. The living room was lit by the flames in their fireplace. It was cozy and intimate and romantic. It was also weirdly quiet.

"Did you feel it?" Jungkook drew circles on her ankle with the tips of his fingers.

"The twins?" She said softly. Jeon Jiyoo and Jeon Jinwoo. It was her husband idea to give an english name for the two of them. Just like her who has 'Rosé' as her english name, he said. So he named them Iris and Elio, and Chaeyoung loved it. It means rainbow and sun.

"It's quiet without them" he nodded.

"Yeah. You get used to having them around" she chuckled. "Iris said something so funny this morning"

Jungkook smiled. "Yeah?"

"Hmm, I just can't remember what it was" she rested her head on the back of the sofa. "It's been a weird day. I can barely remember any of it"

"Except for the part where you had lunch with an ex?"

She shot a look at him. He was drinking his wine and still tracing her skin casually but the lines of his shoulders were tense. "He wasn't an ex"

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