Tryst (M) - Part 2

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That's the photoshoot about. Thanks god this is not the first time Chaeyoung has done such a photoshoot. And she had been told back then, that shooting jewelry on models is a tricky situation, because in the commercial jewelry, the model is essentially a prop, need to visually communicate how the jewelry will look on the body. It's very interesting and yet complicated one.

Chaeyoung smile to herself, thankful that even though she's not in the big agency yet, she have knowledge related to one of important thing in this job. And here she is, sitting in front of the makeup mirror getting dolled up for her first day of shoot, maybe for one of big project this company ever does.

She come to the shooting place with normal well-looked clean hair and light neutral makeup. Expecting they will provided everything she need. And true to her guess, from hair stylist, makeup, and accessories are ready on the set completely. Of course. Clothes in hangers at the corner of the room caught her eyes because it's a lot. They really do their best to find the right thing for this shoot indeed.

"You're so beautiful," the makeup artist named Yun Hee said after she finished with her. Chaeyoung blink and looked up from the mirror.

"Thank you" Chaeyoung smiled, "It's because you're doing a great job" she chuckled.

"Nah, it's because you have this natural beauty which not a lot of people have. I'm not doing any extraordinary, just little touch up here and there and.. voila," she smile while fix a little smear on Chaeyoung's face from the make up earlier.

"You know, I heard for this shoot, the Jeon Jr. scouted over 50 models before finding one with 'absolutely gorgeous face and body'" Ara, the hair stylist join in as she start her work on Chaeyoung's hair.

"You mean the model that chosen before me?" Chaeyoung ask.

"Yes," Ara answer.

"Make sense, because even very popular models do not always have a sophisticated and beautiful shape of fingers, or narrow ankles, or the correct shape of the ears and a long thin neck." Yun hee explained "Believe or not, it helping the photografer job to show the size of jewellery, like their shape, or how they ‘lay down’ on the arm, neck or hand." She added.

Chaeyoung nodded, 'Maybe he really did look at her portfolio after all' she thought, picturing how difficult the process is.

"Exactly. But when the company got the model, the agency suddenly canceled it." Ara said. "And I heard it's because personal reason thing"

"I heard that too. Wait.. what?! personal reason?" Yun Hee asked, bewildered.

"Mhmm, interesting isn't it? And I also heard, it's related to our photographer here. That girl asked her agency to cancel everything because of him" Ara whispered.

"Heol," Yun hee said before slowly turn to look at Chaeyoung from the mirror reflection. "Chaeyoung-ssi, have you seen the photographer outside?" She ask and Chaeyoung nodded. Yun hee continue, "His name is Kim Myungsoo, specializes in jewelry and high-end model shots for magazines. He has won many prestigious awards for his photography."

"He is the young Jeon's best friend, and I'm one hundred percent sure He is the model's ex-boyfriend" Ara said again with that gossip mode tune.

Chaeyoung nodded then. Now she understand the whole situation, but in this business, it was so unprofessional.

"There's a good chance you'll fall for him too Chaeyoung-ssi, just be careful" Ara tease her. Chaeyoung chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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