the Truth

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Mr.damocles:okey emma why had you lila homework steal

Emma:i swear i war nohting ivwar with marc

Mr.damocles:i well like youre family talk

Emma:sure -_-

Emma call his aunt

Holly voice:oh no what ia happend

Emma:aunt come to school please

Holly voice:i am here sweetie marc had me call what happend is

Mr.damocles:ähm come the other family nohting

Holly:marc can you emma oustide go

Marc:sure holly come emma :D

Emma:aunt i know what you make

Holly:m smart child you are lila


Holly:stop to lie i can youre think

Lila 0___0

Holly:and mr.damocles emma life at me she sad my sis and my brother in law and my two twins niece and nephew the his death

Mr.damocles and the other teacher and the other too have all hear

Mr.damocles:what is happend

Holly cry:t...the peron have my family kill i..i life now with my niece my niece i always sad she had all see

Caline bustier:what had emma see

Holly:blood she had see that the tpys have all us family kill we have nohting my niece emma war 1 year nothing school

Mr.damocles:lila i well that you emma sorry

Lila:i make

Holly:and lila why lie you why say me


Holly:you can youre class nohting lie you can the truth say well you always lie lost ylu youre friends you lost all

Lila war shocked

Lila:yes i have all lie

Adrien and marinett:i knew it -_-

Lila:i have afraid

Holly:what had you afarid lila well you that the student you lilar called

Lila:no...the truth is as i my father see he had me hurt my mom know too he say to me stop the truth to say

Marinett go to lila

Marinett:why had you us nohting say :(

Lila:sorry marinett

Marinett hugs lila

Marinett:we give you a chance

Emma hugs his aunt

Emma:i had that death and that blood see

Holly:it's okey my child come we go ^^

That ia too a Trailer


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