I am in deep pain.
Very deep
Very very deep.
One of my Bunnies died.
The white and brown one, as shown on the pic on the side. I don't know exactly how.My mom just woke up one morning, and decided to check up on her. She saw that the bunny was not breathing, and she called my dad. They took her out.
The Souq, the place where we bought her was also known for animal abuse, drugging animals, and many people who buy pets, and wild animals, like toucans have realized they where dead the following day.
Luckily, the other bunny is now big, and healthy. Her name is Nicki. Steffie died. She's so big.
Steffie just wasn't growing. We fed her regularly and gave her water, but she stayed the same size. Also, we think her leg was injured because whenever she walked, one of her legs slid away from her.
We also have another theory, that the baby squished it too hard, because he thought it was a toy. But whatever it is, I am sad.
Bye bye