Sidney's Carriage

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"Poison really is the best method," Maddie remarked while taking off her gloves, "Sure, it's harder to pull off, but look!" she gestured towards the corpse of their former best friend, now quite literally looking like a Christmas present, "No blood!"

    Though she did not one hundred percent approve of the decision, Abby agreed that Sidney had it coming. Her complaints were subtle, but the message was clear. Add that to her slowly distancing herself from them while getting closer to the was almost certain she was planning to expose them. They couldn't afford that now...especially when the hot water they were under was gradually bubbling.

    The golden trio were now trying to carry her into the wagon, a feat they greatly underestimated.

    Jessie grunted while hoisting up the corpse's head and upper back. "How the hell are we gonna carry this all the way into the woods?"

    Reluctantly, Abby grabbed Sidney's lower back and hind thighs. She still felt weird about touching her there. 

They managed to squish her into a wagon in an awfully flexible fetal position, and took a minute to relax their muscles.

    Abby finally caught her breath. "Hopefully the wrapping is actually compostable."

    "Trust me," Jessie declared confidently, "I checked the fine print of the site over and over again. We're good."

    Maddie hugged Jessie from behind for a second too long, but Jessie didn't seem to mind, "Genius as always," she nearly whispered to the other girl.

Next was the black cardboard, perfectly sized to cover the bottom half of the wagon. Maddie and Jessie let Abby do the honors: they thought it was only fair after seeing how many blisters it gave her. Slowly, she slid the board in, further pressing Sydney into the bottom of the wagon, grimacing slightly. Somehow, the board lay completely flat over her.

Along with their privilege as AFA leaders, the next step ensured as little suspicion as possible, not as if they were too worried about that. They were wealthy, pristine model students wheeling decorations over to the fall fundraiser event they spent a month planning. Almost all their vices were covered by their image and privilege, and it had worked for years. At least until recently, thanks to that bitch...

"I'm so glad I get to use my Jack O Lanterns!" Maddie chirped, snapping Abby back to reality. "I worked extra hard on the bat carvings," she and Jessie carried one in each arm and placed them near the center of the wagon.

That was Abby's sign to get the bag of hay, which she generously spread around the pumpkins.

The three girls stepped back to admire their creation. It was all so perfect.

Mrs. Randall said they could leave their materials in the classroom, and that she would take care of it, so all they had to do was pocket their gloves and lock the door behind them.

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