Chapter 4: UB 01 Symbiont

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The next day, Gladion and Caite headed to his mother's office with Wicke, her assistant and Chief of the conservation department. She knocked on the door of her office.

"Come in." Lusamine called to them.

Wicke opened the door and Gladion and Caite stepped in.

"Oh, hello you two. What do you need?" She asked.

"Have you found Faba yet?" Gladion asked.

"No, but we're working on it." She said. "Alright, that's all we needed to know." Caite said, walking out the door. Gladion followed. "Wait!" Lusamine called after them. They turned their heads towards her.

"Could I talk to you both?"

"There's no time. We have to find Faba. If we don't, there's no telling what he'll do." Gladion said.

"But can't you just leave the searching to us?" Lusamine said. Caite turned back around.

"Lillie is like a little sister to me. I want to protect her at all costs." She walked away.

"And Lillie is my little sister. Faba caused her harm, and we need to find him." Gladion followed Caite out. 

(Back at Melemele Island...)

Once the two got back to Melemele island, they started to think of where Faba could've gone.

"Do you have any idea where he could be hiding?" Caite asked.

"Not sure." Gladion replied. "Being a smart scientist like him, there's no telling where he could've gone."

"I've seen that Faba seems very interested in Nebby." Caite wondered. "Do you think he wants to capture it?"

"Maybe. It's a possibility. Where would it be now?" Gladion wondered. They both thought of it.

"The Pokémon School!"

"Let's go!" Caite ran in the direction of the school. Gladion followed her.

Once they got there, Lillie, Ash, and their friends and Pokémon were gathered in a clump. They could faintly hear what they were talking about.

"That was Faba!" Lillie exclaimed.

"Faba?" Caite asked, while the two walked up to the group.

"Oh Gladion, Caite! What are you doing here?" Lillie ran up to them.

"That doesn't matter. What about Faba?" Gladion asked her.

"We saw Nebby with Faba, when the two of them vanished!" Ash said, running up to them as well. The rest of the group followed.

Caite and Gladion looked at each other in anger.

"Do you have any idea where they could've gone?" Ash's friend Kiawe asked.

"Aether Paradise." Gladion and Caite said in unison.

"Sounds like he's planning something." Caite said, looking off into the distance. "We have to save Nebby!" Ash exclaimed, facing Lillie. "Right. Let's get to Aether Paradise." Caite said, starting to walk away.

"We'll just get them to send us a boat, right?" Ash said to Lillie. "Wait! If you want to get to Aether Paradise, there's a faster way." She said, pulling out her phone. Caite stopped.

"Oh, I forgot about the aircraft." She smiled. "The what?" Ash looked confused.

Lillie talked on her phone for a while and then hung up. "They're on their way!"

A few minutes later, Lillie and Gladion's family aircraft had arrived to take them to Aether Paradise. "Alright!" Ash cheered.

"Let's get going!" He started to climb the steps of the aircraft. Gladion turned to face Lillie.

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