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"For the hundredth time, Harley, I just had a moment," Kaz says as they walk down an alley. After Kaz's "burst," Harley chased after him, not wanting him to be alone at the moment. "But If I can find the costume shop that sold those guys their masks, maybe I can track them down." 

As he looks at maps on his phone, he threw his hand up in disbelief. "Eighty-six costume shops in one city? What are these people trying to hide?"

Harley chuckles when suddenly two guys appeared in front of them; the same guys from the video. The two removed their masks and a look of recognition flashed on Kaz's face.

"I know you guys. You're Roman and Riker. Your dad is the superhero Rodissius." Kaz says.

"Was a superhero." One of the villains, Roman, corrected. "Until you got your hands on him at Mighty Med."

"What are you talking about? We saved his life." Kaz tells them.

"You took away his powers," Riker says. "We had no choice. Sacrificing his powers was the only way to keep him alive."

"You took away the only thing that made him special and forced him to live his life as a mortal. That's a punishment far worse than death." Ryder slowly stepped forward. "Our father may not have the power to take revenge, but we do."

Harley and Kaz got into a fighting stance when Bree appeared beside them due to her super speed. "There you two are." Then, she noticed the two and smiled. "Hello." 

Harley rolled her eyes at Bree's obliviousness. "Bree, these are the guys who destroyed Mighty Med."

"Oh, come on. Why are the bad ones always so cute?" Bree groans and Harley lightly slaps her arm.

"Okay, Bree, you can go. We got this." Kaz tells her, then Ryder and Riker joined hands, forming a dark cloud.

"On second thought, you mind sticking around?" Kaz asks.

"Now you see why it's a bad idea to run off without a plan?" Bree scolds Kaz as the three stood in a fighting stance. "Not the time for an 'I-told-you-so' moment right now," Harley tells her. 

Chase, Oliver, and Skylar joined the three, stopping when they saw the huge cloud. "What is that?"

"Meet the guys who destroyed Mighty Med," Kaz says. "They're shapeshifters."

"Oh, okay. What the heck are shapeshifters?" Chase exclaims and Skylar had to explain to him before shouting, "Get down!"

The six of them ducked as the cloud came at them. Harley used her pyrokinesis bionic to shoot fireball towards the cloud, while Kaz did the same. "Chase, now would be a great time for one of your plans." 

"Oh, now you want a plan?" Chase questions. "If you had followed my plan in the first place, we wouldn't even be in this mess."

"I didn't ask for you guys to show up." Kaz points out. 

"I didn't wanna show up!"

"I was sleeping."

"We know." Oliver and Bree say to Skylar. 

As the four fought, Harley and Bree noticed that the dark cloud was gone. "Hey!" Bree yells which got their attention. "Where'd they go?"

They formed a circle as they searched for Ryder and Riker in their shapeshifting form. "I can still hear them," Skylar says. Chase glances up and spoke, "Uh, guys."

When the others looked up, the dark cloud came crashing down onto them, causing the six of them to fly back and crash into the walls, all of them slipping unconscious. 

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