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Arriving at the academy located on the Bionic Island, Harley steps out of the hydroloop with a paper bag in her hand. Thanks to her pregnancy, she and the hydroloop did not get along. 

She takes a look around the place and thinks to herself how the place still looks the same.

"Oh, sorry!" A student says as he accidentally bumped into her as he and another student rushed out for a mission. 

"Excuse me," Harley says to a girl who was sitting at the console. The girl ignored her as she was typing something that seemed important. "Hello--"

"I'm busy here." The girl rudely says before turning around, her eyes widening. "You're -- You're Harley Johnson." 

"Davenport now. But close enough." Harley remarks. 

The girl scrambles to her feet. "I'm so sorry for my behavior. When I get concentrated enough for a mission, I tend to have an attitude change." 

"Clearly." Harley chuckles. "But no worries. We all act differently when it comes to missions. Anyway, can you tell me where Leo or Adam is?"

"I got this, Rachel." A voice says from behind Harley, who turns around and smiles at the familiar face. 


Harley captures the boy into a hug, and he gladly accepts it. The girl walks away, slightly embarrassed. 

The two pull away from the hug. "The last I saw you were at my wedding and you've grown more. You're almost taller than me." She ruffles his hair, just like back then. "How's life at the academy?"

"Ever since our upgrades on our chips, we are mostly busy with missions. Adam and Leo just oversee how we do and don't step in unless they need to." Spin tells her. He eyes the paper bag in her hand. "Also, what's with the bag?" 

Harley looks at the bag as if she forgot it was even in her hand. "Oh, uh, the ride here was just upsetting my stomach. I hate to cut the reunion short, but I need to find one of the mentors." 

Spin shrugs. "No big deal. They should be up in the mentor's headquarters." 

Harley thanks him before heading up to the mentor's headquarters. The doors slide open and Harley shouts, "Your favorite person is here!" 

She instantly hears footsteps and Leo pops out and smiles. "Harls!" He runs over and crashes into a hug. Harley laughs. 

"I can't believe you're here! Now that you're married and fighting with superheroes, I never see you anymore." Leo rants. "Speaking of superheroes, are they cool as they are in the comics?"

Harley puts a hand on his shoulder. "Leo, breathe." The boy does what he is told. "Okay. To answer your question, yes, they are cool... and unique in their way. Now, where is the giant?" 

"Is that my sister-in-law I hear?" Adam's voice was heard when he entered the room. Without warning, he picks Harley up and spins her around, just like he always does when he hugs her. 

"All right, Adam, I've missed you too. Now put me down." Harley laughs as Adam sets her back on her feet. 

Harley puts her hands together. "I'm just going to get to the point. Now that I have you two here, I have something important to tell you."

"Did something happen to the group?" Leo asks worriedly. 

"Did someone eat my burrito?" Adam asks. Leo and Harley give him a look when Adam then pulled out a burrito from his pocket. "Nope. Still there."

"Anyway..." Harley continues. "This is gonna sound weird but I need one of you to hit me in the stomach."

"Hit you where? Are you trying to have us murdered by the hands of you?" Leo questions.

"This is not a trick. I just want to show you something." Harley pats her stomach. "So hit me." 

Adam shrugs. "I mean if Leo won't, I guess I will." He steps up where he now stood in front of Harley. He takes a deep breath before making a fist and aiming toward Harley's stomach. And when he did, he was thrown back and hit the wall. 

Harley winces and Leo gasps, even more so when he saw the force field guarding Harley's stomach, then vanished. "What just happened?" 

Adam groans as he walked back over. "What was that and why was I thrown across the room because of it?" 

"Because danger was sensed. And when that happens, my baby creates a force field to protect the both of us." Harley tells them, waiting to see a reaction. 

"Oh, that makes sense," Adam says. 

"Wait, hold on." Leo holds up a finger. "Did you just say "my baby"? As in--" 

Harley smiles. "I'm pregnant." 

Leo gasps and brings his best friend into a hug. 

"Wait. Chase's baby too?" Adam questions.

Harley chuckles. "Yes, Adam, mine and Chase's baby." 

Adam laughs and brings her into a hug as well. "That's so awesome! I can't wait to teach the baby many things. Like how to eat five pizzas at the same time, how to throw Chase around... many things." 

"Wait, Harls, you said the baby creates a force field around you when danger is sensed. How is it able to do that?" Leo asks.

Harley furrows her eyebrows. "I haven't thought about that. I just let it slide because both of its parents are bionic."

"Chase is smart. Why don't you ask him?" Adam questions.

"That's because Chase doesn't know," Harley replies. 

"Chase doesn't know?" Leo and Adam ask.

Harley held up her hands. "Yet. He doesn't know yet. I haven't figured out how to tell him. I'll tell him soon, I promise." 

"Well, I would do it soon because now that you pointed it out, a small bump is starting to appear." Adam points out and Harley gasps.

"Are you saying that I'm gaining weight, Adam?" 

Adam's eyes widen. "No, of course not. I would never. I just meant -- I'm gonna go eat my burrito!" He hurries out of the room. 

Harley and Leo chuckle. 

"Congratulations, Harls. I know you and Chase will be amazing parents." Leo tells his best friend, and her eyes start to water. 

"You're not supposed to make me cry, Dooley." She wipes her eyes. 

"How about this? You and I will go down to the kitchen and we can have some ice cream. Your choice." Leo says.

Harley's mood changes and she smiles. "Race you there!" She rushes out of the room and Leo yells, "You shouldn't be running!" He then runs after her. 

Just like in the last two chapters, Harley has revealed that she is pregnant. This chapter may seem short and boring, I just didn't have any good ideas. But I finally got the reveal chapter out, and now I will continue with the series. 

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