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The two ran to the sound of the alarm and entered the weapons area. 

"Why is that alarm going off?" Harley questions. She noticed Kaz standing in front of her. "Why are you in here?"

Chase noticed Kyle behind an electrical fence and he lets out a small scream. "What did you do?!" He asks Kaz.

"I was showing kyle around, and then, all of the sudden, the gates locked, got all electric-y, that thing starts blaring," Kaz explains. "Don't you people have alarms that are a little less jarring? Perhaps some wind chimes or the gentle chirp of a cricket?"

"I can unmute the alarm, but the cage is locked for security reasons," Chase tells him.

"Why did you even let him in there?" Harley questions. "To prove I'm cooler than him." Kaz points at Chase, then looks at his brother who looked for a way out. "I think it's working."

Chase sighs. "He initiated lockdown mode. I'll have to disarm it remotely." He types on the console but a beeping went off. "Oh, come on. Why isn't my password working?"

Harley looks over at Kaz. "Did Kyle touch something?"

"Of course he touched something. He's my brother; we're touchers." Kaz answers.

Chase sighs. "Well, great. Whatever buttons he pushes changed my password. Now he's locked in there, and I'm gonna have to use my bionics to get him out."

"Yes! Awesome!" Kyle exclaims.

Kaz turns to his brother. "Oh, it's not that awesome." He points over at the tools on the table. "What if I just used these steel bolt cutters through the cage?"

"No. If you touch metal to the cage, the jolt will electrocute you in an instant." Harley tells him. "Let me try to use my molecular kinesis to control them." Chase steps forward as he used to the little boy, "Stand back, Kyle."

Chase raises his arm and uses his molecular kinesis to lift the bolt cutters and bring them towards the cage. The moment the bolt cutters touched the electric cage, it swung back and hit Chase, causing him to hit the wall and land on the floor with a thud.

"Chase!" Harley and Kaz exclaim while rushing over to him.

"Is he okay?" Kyle asks. Harley places her hand on Chase's cheek and he groans in pain. He looks up and meets her eyes, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, he will be." Harley nods.

"I have to say, for a bionic hero, that was very disappointing." Kaz comments and Harley whacks his arm. The two slowly help Chase up to lean against the wall as he fell in and out of consciousness. 

Kaz lightly pats his chest. "Hey, you okay?" 

Chase groans. "I taste metal."

"Must be from the voltage your body absorbed," Kaz says, and Chase spits out a piece of metal from his mouth. "Or it was a piece of the bolt cutter."

The sound of electricity zapping brought Harley and Kaz's attention towards Kyle as he shrieked. 


"When the bolt cutters hit the cage, it must've caused the voltage to surge." Kaz points out. Kyle looks at his brother in disbelief. "If you knew this wasn't safe, why would you let me in here?"

"You wanted to go in there!" Kaz argues.

"What do I know? I'm just a kid who still sleeps in a race car bed." Kyle retorts, and Kaz slightly pouts. "Mom and Dad never bought me a race car bed."

"Gotta know how to work them." Kyle shrugs. He was zapped again and yells, "Get me out of here!"

"Okay, I can figure this out. There's a reason why I'm in charge of this place." Kaz says. "Please. If the guy with bionics couldn't help me, what chance do you have?" Kyle exclaims. "Harley!"

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